
Quitting Instrument Lessons?

by  |  earlier

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When i go back to school, ill be taking some very important mock + real exams. Going to lessons are essential for me but for the past 4 years i have been missing lessons, leaving me slightly behind my school mates with work. I have missed tests before or got a lower grade because of going to music lessons. Now, i have the option to quit. I have gained many things from my music lessons, an achievement (passed first grading; but stopped doing exams) and i have been able to read written music with notes for many years, which has gained me higher marks in music lessons with my form. Because of this very important year ahead and i cant afford to miss any more lessons, should i quit? My parents don't mind, and my music teacher will have at least 5 new students when we go back, so it wont really make a differece




  1. Regardless of academic requirement, please no,no,no.

    MY GOD!!!

    It all boils down to you,If you think that you have an apptitude for music or that it's something your were forced in to.

    It's a gift not bestowed upon eveyone.Trust your own judgment.

    LIsten to your inner voice.

  2. Why on earth did your school and your parents allow you to miss lessons in other subjects to go to music lessons? Music could surely be done in your spare time? It is a wonderful thing to learn an instrument, and it would be a pity to stop and lose the skills you've begun to learn, but unless you are studying music at a high level there is no reason for you to miss other lessons.

    From your question it doesn't sound as if you really want to carry on with your music, but that's a different issue. Listen to your heart and do what you really want.

  3. I have been making the same decision

    I decided to quit them

    I have had everything beneficial from them

    Now its just fun

    And i cannot afford to miss lessons for fun

  4. this was me 2 years ago

    i quit and i'm awaiting my exam results so fingers crossed but now i look back and sigh. i wish i'd carried on. just dnt regret it

  5. DO NOT QUIT!!!!! i've quit instruments and it sucks i have realatives that have kept up with instruments and the music they play is beautiful and you get so much better with years of practice. it can be a really nice party piece or even as a gift i know it sounds weird but its so true!  

  6. If music is just a hobby for you then you could take a break from lessons to do your exams.  You can go back to instrument lessons anytime outside of school.  If its something you want to take more seriously then dont stop because of time pressures.  You'll have the same pressures when you leave school. So it would probably be a shame to stop if you  are enjoying it and progressing. Dont stop completely if you enjoy it because musical skill is a great ability to have throughout your life.

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