
Quitting a job..?

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I got hired a week ago at a local restaurant, regardless of all of the talk about how the owners are huge jerks to their employees. I worked there for only 3 days and experienced first-hand just how RUDE they really are!

First, each morning I worked, I would always see the female owner and say good morning, definitely loud enough for her to hear and she would DELIBERATELY walk past me as if I was nothing at all. Then, I called up the male owner because I wanted to ask him how I would go about requesting a day off in the future and he was like "STOP STOP STOP STOP STOP, you will have to COME TO ME at work and we can discuss that then." & I am always polite and saying thank you and whatever.

Also, my cousin worked there, broke his arm, then couldnt work, so he called the male owner and told him & his response was "OK, have a GREAT time on ur vacation".

So, I'm quitting this job, but I want to write a letter explaining exactly WHY. I dont know what to say though, any ideas?




  1. The treatment that you are experiencing is not acceptable and I would look for another job as soon as possible.  If you are able to give up the position now, I would do so otherwise I would hang on while searching for another position.

    It is best to be honest with future employers as to your reasons for leaving this job after such a short period of time.

    Good luck on both fronts!

  2. Before you quit, find another job.  Write the truth, that the working environment, created by the owners, is intolerable.

  3. If I were you I would just quit and call the ones above him and tell them exactly how they are there and why you did not want to be part of it anymore.Get the manager fired, he deserves it.Do not let anyone talk to you this way,especially not for a crappy job!

  4. sounds like u need to hurry up and wright that letter u know what to say

  5. It sounds to me like these people are so far up their own a***s that they have little or no respect for anyone else.  No matter what they say, people have to EARN respect, and not just receive it automatically dependent upon their position.  I would keep your letter very brief and to the point and explain that you feel you have had no respect as an employee and that in turn you have no respect for them as employers and would rather work for someone who appreciates your hard work, honesty and reliability.  After only a few weeks I wouldn't really worry about upsetting them, after all, they have upset you!!!  Think these people need to learn a lesson in respect and dignity!  Good luck poppet x*x
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