
Quitting cigarettes and having a bunch of psychological disorders, bad idea?

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Ok, so I am bipolar I with rapid cycling. I just went through a mixed state episode and now I am in a major depressive episode. I also have several anxiety disorders. Last week my neurologist was concerned about a possibility of seizure activity in the brain because my hand got numb the night before. He is going to be running tests really soon (EEG, MRI).

Now I smoke about 15-20 cigs a day and I can't afford it anymore since i used to live in upstate NY and got a pack for 5 but after moving to NYC and the tobacco raise, its hard to spend $8.75 everyday.

The doctor said whatever i do, NOT to take Chantix, which is a med that helps you quit, he said seizure is a side effect. I took it for a week about 7 months ago, but stopped cuz of interference with moods. He also said I should NOT use patches because it increase my heart rate and i should streer clear of that right now.

So, as people who have tried to quit know, the withdrawl of quitting is a whole despressive episode in itself.

My question is, if I try to quit with all these problems psychologically and neurological, would it cause to much strain and stress and possibly hurt me? I think I have higher than normal blood pressure and I am under HUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE stress right now.

Should I concentrate on getting meds for bipolar, and help neurologically, and just wait off till im stable and then try to quit? I am obviously referring to going cold turkey.




  1. Read this book: The Easy Way to Quit by Allen Carr. You don't even have to quit until you finish the book.  

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