
Quitting first job after the two "training" days...?

by Guest59947  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike I'm in a bit of a dilemma. I'm 18, I've never had a proper paying job before, and I am currently under "training" as a waitress in this indian restaurant which is THE only place that has accepted me in the ridiculous number of places I've applied in.

My problem is...there are two other caucasians working there. The rest are indian. They ALWAYS talk in indian...I can hardly even differentiate between the indian and the english, and when they do speak in english, I can't understand what the heck they are going on about, which causes me to make many, many mistakes. I'm not being racist but this is probably the problem which is making me just think errr about going on with this job...

Now, I'm out of home because I can't live with my parents, and studying for a Dip.N part time(3 days Wed-Fri so I have the other days off), but I really need an income. So I've applied to yet more places, and I am waiting for someone to pick up the hint that I am ridiculously desperate...

Btw, this is in Brisbane Australia, so if you are Australian or otherwise that might make it a bit more relevant, thanks.

So...I know that it's not a good look to be quitting after these two "training" days (which I am getting half pay for, maybe, if I turn up again), but does anyone have tips for what to put on a resume, where to apply apart from food services of any kind, what will stand out, especially employers who are reading this, I am so ridiculously desperate for income, I am actually not eating properly. But I CANNOT work at this place...I just don't understand what they're saying! I can't work with them! Help, please!




  1. Don't quit and learn all you can.  This way when applying to other places you can honestly claim you have experience.  When new employee asks why you left last job, then mention the difficulty in language and do not elaborate  

  2. lol indians in australia...last i thoght Auss was a white country...isnt  embarrassing for white person be a waiter in their own country working in Indian resurant hahaha..

    what a disgrace...

    anyway if u cant work there with indians then leave.

    but auss is diversified country and u have to deal with it...

    its same in U.S. and U.K.

  3. just dont turn up if u dont like it

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