
Quitting marijuana questionss?

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i quit smoking 2 weeks ago but i didnt get sick so that is weird because you usually do when u quit smoking like cough, soar throat etc but i still do smoke marijuana. i would like to quit and i can quit it but its just there is nothing to do when im off work and i was just want to relax when i come home from work by smoking marijuana because it relaxes me and stuff like that but i want to heal my lungs so its really hard! what do you guys do out of boredom because without weed i dont have fun in anything :( please helpp




  1. It sounds like you need to find a new way to relax.  Take a walk, read a book, pray, etc.  It is hard to put down an old habit but you can do it!  The problem is that often leaves a void in your life which must be replaced by something, or else boredom draws us back into what was comfortable.  You might want to try a group like N.A., or Overcomers, a Christ centered recovery group.  Support will definitley help you quit.

  2. uhm. i would go to rehab. they can help and you might meet ppl goin thru the same thing

  3. buy a massaging chair and grab a good book =]

  4. work-out, keep yourself busy

  5. Get addicted to chewing gum and surf the web. This site entertains me when im bored. I highly suggest you quit though drugs kill your body and it is illegal.  

  6. Find a new high. I know...that's what everybody says. There are many other things you could do. Anything physical. Biking, working out, jogging. Basically anything that will give you an endorphin rush. That's a natural high.

    You could also try to find a new hobby. Something artistic, possibly. Music, drawing. Use your computer to find art.

    Volunteer to help others quit. They have ideas and methods that might work for you.

    Just find that thing that makes you happy and content!

  7. ANYTHING to keep your mind busy.. Video game, cutting grass, eating, start taking a walk up your street in the evenings, wash your car,run random web searches, whatever it takes to keep your mind off it. Congrats and good luck,

  8. drug program

  9. Watch movies; listen to music, go swimming, jog, walk, bicycle, meet with friends, go to a billiards club (they have nondrinking ones too),get a tai chi video, yoga video, borrow a dog & walk it, etc.

    Try AA groups...if you don't like a particular for one that fits you.

    Good luck

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