
Quitting my Job? Is it worth it?

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I am in a bit of a dilemma.

I moved to USA from India because my Father was not doing well financially, thus I wanted to be independent.

When I moved here I got a job at a Hotel as a Front desk clerk and starting saving money to go to college.

I started college in 2005 at a Community College and transferred in 1.5 years taking 20 units each quarter and working 40 hours a week.

Now, I have transferred to San Jose State University and my Dad's financial situation is a little better.

He has offered to pay for my education and living expenses for the remainder of my graduation(2 more years).

Should I take his money and quit the job OR try and push myself to the limit again like I did at Community College.

Note:My Major is Hotel Mgmt and I currently have the job at the same hotel I started off at but now as a Front Desk Supservisor

I dont want my Dad to feel as if I went abroad to be independent but now he has to run his house in India and in America(for me)?

I do feel an inclination towards taking the money and quitting the job because working 40 hours a week and going to school full time can be very stressful.

ALSO:- These are all Upper Division classes not like Community College




  1. i agree just cut your hours like stated above you are  a fulltime student you need to be parttime for your job im pretty sure your boss will understand you have senority since you been there for ahwile now. im pretty sure you prove yourself you are a good workter

  2. Take the money and complete your education and pay him back after you graduate. Best of both worlds :)

  3. cut down on your hours, but keep your job

    it's good for income and experience, and you won't feel guilty

    try 20 hours a week

    thats the normal work hours for a full time student

  4. Take the money.  Cut down on your hours.  20 hours a week is fine.

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