
Quorn, Boca, and othe fake meats.?

by Guest62846  |  earlier

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I heard fake meat is disgusting. Also I am worried that if I eat fake meat I will crave real meat. Your opinion?




  1. Ehh, it depends. Some are good, some are awful. I tend to dislike the ones that try to mimic meat; they taste nothing like it and just taste... bland. Actual veggie burgers (as opposed to soy burgers) are delicious. Fake chicken is better than fake beef in my opinion, both in flavor and consistency. Fake bacon will make you want to kill yourself. Vegan "Veggie Slices" pepperoni is so accurate, it's spooky. Soy crumbles make awesome tacos.

    I suggest trying a few things. You can usually get 4 packs of burgers, or smaller packages in with the tempeh and tofu. It's better to go with what looks good than than with what you think will most resemble meat. There are veryyyy few products that's fool you.

  2. My opinion is first I do not call them fake meats, but plant meat or animal meat alternatives. And the ones I have had (Boca, Morningstar, Lean Smart, Amy's, Gardenburger, Tofukery, Yeves, tofu, tempeh, seiten, tvp, etc) all taste great when made right, way better than meat, so you should not crave animal flesh when you eat one.

    I also agree with the ones who try to be fake meats as opposed to being plant meats do not taste that good, but still in my opinion taste better than meat.

    I would try Morningstar, Amy's Burgers, Gardenburger, Yves, and make your own with  tofu, tempeh, seiten, tvp, and  portobello mushrooms from recipes online.

  3. Try not to t think of them as substitutes for meat - judge them on their own merits, as protein sources.  Tempeh is my favorite, pan-fried, baked with spices, stir-fried.  You can also find a tempeh bacon which I think is excellent.

    Boca Ground Burger works really well as a substitute for hamburger in most anything, makes a great chili.

  4. Eating "fake meats," will not make you carve real meat. They aren't disgusting, they are just bean products. I find them useful when I'm in a rush and don't have 40 minutes or more to spend making a rice and bean dish, etc.

  5. I sort of know what you mean.  Fake meats are not disgusting at all, but you have to understand they are substitutes rather than imitations.

    When I went vegetarian, I wouldn't touch veggie burgers or any other fake meat for a few years.  I didn't want real meat and I didn't want fake meat.

    I finally started eating Boca burgers because I was invited to a small BBQ.  I figured it would be easy because my friends were already cooking hamburgers.  I actually like the Boca burgers a lot, and now I also eat chik'n and fake ground beef sometimes.

    Now that I'm vegan, I'm not planning on eating soy cheese.  I was eating cheese on almost everything before, and I figure soy cheese will just taste wrong.  Once I get over cheese like I am over meat, maybe I'll make a grilled soy cheese sandwich or macaroni and soy cheese.

  6. Its so much trial and error... I agree that the ones that try too hard to be like real meat are just wrong.  Morningstar Farms are some great ones to try, I don't think they're Vegan, but they're vegetarian.  My b/f is a huge meat eater, but he loves the Grillers Prime.  They also make sausage links, hot dogs, and more.  Wouldn't recommend the "chicken"- its really stringy and nothing like chicken in any way.

    When I was a kid, my mom would make "gluten steaks"- lumps of gluten and oats that were spiced and shaped into burgers.  Oh they were awful.  But the stuff in stores is usually not going to be too crazy.  Morningstar farms sells at almost all grocery stores in the veggie section,

  7. Quorn is delicious. It's nothing like meat in my opinion, just a tasty food of its own. The Quorn lamb steaks taste nothing like lamb which is why I like them!

    Cravings will be there or not, regardless of what you eat. Sniffing someone else's dinner will often set off cravings moreso than eating your own meal.

    Try it and decide for yourself if you think it's disgusting - everyone has different tastes.

  8. The trick is to remember that "fake meat" is not real meat. See it as something new you are trying instead of trying to replace something you miss.

    I like gardenburger grilled chick'n patties, smart deli is awesome for replacement deli meats and ground beef and sausage style meats too.

    Also if you like a lot of texture try tempeh and marinate it with simple soy sauce and fry it up in a pan until it is browned. That is my personal favorite.

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