
[Quote #10] any stories for this quote? (for a book I’m trying to publish)?

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“Love turns laughs to cries and cries to laughs with its own way.” – mrg 03

hi all, i'm melia from indonesia.

i'm planning to make a book of poems and quotes, and try to publish it.

for this book, i want to add some good stories based on several quotes there..

so do you guys have any personal stories, or any other stories that you know, that can be described by this quote?

“Love turns laughs to cries and cries to laughs with its own way.” – mrg 03

please write your name and country (or if you don't want to write your name, just give your nickname). you can also write your email address if you want (so I can let you know if the book has been published and your story is in it), but it's optional.

or, if you don't have any stories to share, please just help me with some comments or critics.

Thank you so much!




  1. one time me and my best friend were having a fight, it pulled on for ages and ages and we wouldn't talk to each other whereas before we were all but joined at the hip.  finally when we were forced together by our parents we both started yelling at each other about our fight.  it turned out that niether of us quite remembered why we were fighting and the bits we did "remember" were morphed and completely wrong.  so, when you realized this, we both started crying because we were both so sorry that this happened and that we were so stupid but next we started laughing and laughing and laughing, unable to stop.  we were able to start laughing because we both love each other and always will and it was no big deal anymore and it became funny, the fact we were both so dumb =).



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