
Quote Explaination???

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the Quote: "The rich person is richer when he becomes poor, than the poor person when he becomes rich."

Things needed from you: Explaination

Do you believe it?






  1. -Like you know how some rich people are like conceited?

    And all they see in life is money and riches.

    When they become poor, only then will they realize the true meaning of life and that they cant always get what they want.

    -And a poor person becoming rich, he already knows what it feels like to be poor, he knows the true meaning.

    -Yes, I believe it

    -Examples: In "The Merchant of Venice" by Shakespeare

    The prince of Morrocco is too interested in his gold.

    Good Luck!!! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ :)

  2. I believe it. When the rich person becomes poor he learns to appreciate the little things that he looked over once. However, the poor man who becomes rich forgets that he was once a nobody and greed overtakes him.

  3. Well, I am assuming it means, like a rich person is going to be rich with the joy of Life, And be like great full...

    do I believe it... Well it depends, on what kind of rich person becomes poor. If you put a a really stuck up rich person in that situation they probably, wouldn't care much for the "experiment." and then go back to being rich. and not talk the time to stop and smell the roses...

    I hope I help a little.
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