
Quote Interpretation?

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Hoping you guys can help me understand these :)

"There should be less talk. A preaching point is not a meeting point." -Mother Theresa

"Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." -Mark Twain

I'm open to everything!




  1. "There should be less talk. A preaching point is not a meeting point." -Mother Theresa

    A preaching point is fact, you tell the audience, it is not open for discussion or debate.  Hence the need for less talk.

    "Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." -Mark Twain

    I would love to know the context this was drawn from but it sounds to me like he is saying many people learn how to do things the wrong way first.  Real education frequently has to start with the student being convinced that what s/he has learned is incorrect.  That is the unlearning process.  IMO it can be likened to alcoholism.  The first step to controlling it is acknowledging you have it.  If the alcoholic refuses to admit s/he has the disease or if the student refuses to admit that 2 + 2 does not equal 7 then no help can be provided for either of them.

  2. "Education consists mainly in what we have unlearned." -Mark Twain

    what we have not learned will become our edcutaion to learn.

    "There should be less talk. A preaching point is not a meeting point." -Mother Theresa

    Preaching is only good if people listen. there must be action taken
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