
Quote by Confucius...What does it mean??????

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What does this quote by Confucius mean?...

"The Master said: Only one who bursts with eagerness do I instruct; only one who bubbles with excitement, do I enlighten. If I hold up one corner and a man cannot come back to me with the other three, I do not continue the lesson."





  2. he only teaches people that really want him to teach them

  3. I guess he's saying if his pupil does not have interest in what he's teaching than it's not worth teaching them. A pupil has to care about the lesson so if they don't it's just a waste of time.

  4. You must think on this, Little Grasshopper. If you do not get the right answer then you are not smart enough to be my disciple.

  5. It means that he is only willing to teach those who are willing to learn. He offers the knowledge but they have to meet him halfway. If he holds up one corner (that being his knowledge and teachings) and a man cannot pick up all of the ideas, then he has no more to teach them. It just means he won't teach an unwilling student.

  6. you must give effort

  7. that means he teaches the willing and when he says they don't come back with the other three corners that means they don't get what he is tying to teach. if you don't understand step one how in the world will you understand step two......or three or four or five

  8. Have you ever folded a beach towel, or a tent, or any other large piece of cloth with another person?  That's what he's talking about, or at least, that's the metaphor he's using.   Now normally an activity like folding a large towel is a cooperative activity, but in this case the person talking, Confucious, is a famous teacher.  He wants the student to both show some eagerness in general and in particular to make the mental effort to understand where Confucious is going when he holds up one corner of the cloth.

  9. only people who have patience and want to learn something will get something out of it

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