
Quote for my wall?

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Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass. It's about learning to dance in the rain.

Life is a party so we might as well dance

If you want the rainbow, first you must get through the rain.

"It's not so much do what you like as it is that you like what you do" - Children and Art from Sunday in the Park With George

Be not afraid of greatness

which do you like. its a shortened list, i eliminated ones i was having second thoughts on




  1. The first one is lovely! I don't consider it sad at all, on the contrary, it seems optimistic to me - although I suppose it depends on your point of view... I'd go for that one anyway :)

  2. definatly the 2nd 1. yupp...haha it says im peachler. this is funny. heyy wer in the computr lab. isnt this awsum. i kno it is. morgan says hi.

  3. All your quotes are so sad. Putting up with things, happy despite it all. I'd look for something more inspiring, instead of "deal with it."

  4. The first one. It's much more eloquently put then the rest of them.

  5. Well, I like the first one best but do you have 3 walls? Because the first 3 kind of flow together nicely. I think they create sort of a realistically optimistic vibe. That sounds sort of cheesy but I don't mean it that way. Of course I don't think any of your quotes sound especially sad, so what do I know?

    There's nothing wrong with the thoughts of the last 2 either but the phrasing isn't particularly resonant and  the last one is very good English but still sounds forced, you know? It's just too obviously a "quote", in my opinion.  As far as that goes I might actually rephrase the 3rd one a little too. Like, maybe, "rainbows require rain". That's just me though.
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