
Quote from Abe Lincoln............?

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"I reckon a man is as happy as he makes up his mind to be". These words came from Abraham Lincoln. They mean much to me. I am interested in how you would interpret, and perhaps implement them, for your own life ?




  1. I think it could be said that if u feel happy as a person inside about something or generally then u will radiate to others and being positive will help u to be a happy and successful person in life but the opposite can have negative effects.

    it is a diffcult quote to put into prespective but say u are losin a soccer game miserably but instead of feelin sombre and have low morale, if u had a cheerful and optamistic look about you, u might make others around u too feel better and maybe performe better. or if not at least lose the game to come back and play another day , with a postive thought rather than being a sore loser.

    dis is how i would interpret it.

  2. I also highly recommend the site of many good quotes.

    Good luck!

  3. I  interpret this to mean that our outlook or perspective on our life depends largely on what we decide it will be. One can either wallow in pity or get up & laugh at themself & move on.

    Psychologically speaking, there have been many studies out lately on positive outlook vs. negative outlook in humans & if it is genetically or chemically programmed into our brains. So I guess they may find in the future that there is some genetic link to negativity as there is in depression.

    In general though, I agree with Lincoln's premise. To be a winner you must think like a winner. The sad reality is that many choose to take the latter out of complacency. I see this everyday with illness. You have people who take illness on as a challenge & others that are more comfortable in the victim role. I am most inspired in my life by observing those who have overcome  adversity without  considering themselves a victim.

    A favorite poem of mine that sums up your quote eloquently & illustrates what I aspire to live up to in my life is called Invictus. It's message is basic & goes to the fundamental core of how we choose to live our life. In the end, our happiness is but a choice that isn't predicated on our wealth or intelligence but, simply our perspective. In my opinion it is that perspective that makes all the difference in making one's life extraordinary instead of just ordinary.  




    Out of the night that covers me,  

      Black as the Pit from pole to pole,  

    I thank whatever gods may be  

      For my unconquerable soul.  


    In the fell clutch of circumstance          

      I have not winced nor cried aloud.  

    Under the bludgeonings of chance  

      My head is bloody, but unbowed.  


    Beyond this place of wrath and tears  

      Looms but the Horror of the shade,  

    And yet the menace of the years  

      Finds, and shall find, me unafraid.  


    It matters not how strait the gate,  

      How charged with punishments the scroll,  

    I am the master of my fate  

      I am the captain of my soul.

  4. I think truer words were never spoken, but it has come to seem as though so many of us are only as happy as the politicians think we are based upon the economy, global warming, the price of gas, food, dentures, mortgages, taxes, interest rates, yo yos, ipods, glasses, health care, and, and, what else do the democrats say makes us unhappy....

  5. like that!

    we choose how we handle the challenges of life. We can choose to grumble and be miserable or we can choose to make the best of things -- if you have lemons, make lemonade

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