
Quote from Frankenstein...please explain

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Fright must it be, for supremely frightful would be the effect of any human endeavor to mock the stupendous mechanism of the Creator of the world




  1. If you have read the novel, or even seen one of the dozens of movies, you will know that the is a Doctor who is arrogant enough to believe that he can create life!  He is trying to play God, and attempts to create a living breathing person by using the parts of others.  It is perhaps one of the most influential of the gothic novels, written by Mary Shelley ( a mere woman!)  In a not so subtle failure, the doctor realizes that he has truly created a monster, and he has not in fact created a man.  The quote is his own realization that he, in his arrogance had mocked God, because the only consequence that can be had by playing God is frightful!  In other words, man can not do what God does!  No matter how learned, or scientific he/she might be, it is not possible.

  2. To sum it up shortly: "Oh c**p, I just mocked God by creating a new life of my own. I think I peed myself a little."

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