
Quote help!!!?

by  |  earlier

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"Your representative owes you not his industry only, but his judgment, and he betrays, instead of serving you, if he sacrifices it to your opinion."

-Edmund Burke

Could you please give me an EXAMPLE of how this quote relates to politics today???





  1. Politicians today follow the polls to swing votes in their favor.  I'd prefer a leader.

    They don't quote the fact that congress has a less than 20% favorable rating.  It's the one poll they don't quote when the say "THE AMERICAN PEOPLE WANT----------"

  2. It is called pandering.  There are numerous examples happening daily in the political arena.

  3. This means that if what you want is against what the representative thinks is best for you and the country then they follow their beliefs and not what you want because you did elect the person because of their charactor and their thinking abilities. Right , this happens all the time in Congress. No not really but the idea is good.

               Hope that helps.


  4. It's like what politicians should be doing instead of what they are doing.

    (Politicians shouldn't be talking about Pro-Choice or Pro-Life, it's none of their business, but they do it to pander, like the above poster said.)
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