
Quote the positive and negative atitudes of the charactres in the movie of TROY named ACHILLES and AGAMEMNON

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Quote the positive and negative atitudes of the charactres in the movie of TROY named ACHILLES and AGAMEMNON




  1. 1.  Not gonna do your homework for you

    2. That movie was terrible

    3. Book was better

  2. Hmmm, Let's see ...

    Achillies had that bad-*** shoulder-stab move that they put in the game verion.

    On the other hand, he was a whiney p***y.

    Agamemmnon, now he was a power-crazed Machievellian bloodythirsty warmonger. On the other hand, not so much of a whiney p***y.

    I hope you are aware, of course, that the movie completely departs from the true story line by having Hector kill Menalaus so that Paris can run off with Helen at the end.

    Instead of the ACTUAL ending, in which Paris dies, Menalaus lives, and takes Helen back to Sparta with him.

  3. Is Achilles the guy that Brad Pitt played? If so the positive attitude i can think of is that his didn't want to fight lool  

  4. Gawd man that film was absolute c**p...I'd say that was the main attitude of the film... Read a decent translation of the much better...

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