
Quotes about the past?

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i need some quotes about the past. short and witty preferred

what i already have

I'm the past where stuff cost less and people knew the value of a hard days work but they only lived to be twenty eight years old.

my view of history is it's done it's over lets move on




  1. “Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal. Live this day as if it were your last. The past is over and gone. The future is not guaranteed.”

    Wayne Dyer quotes (American motivational Speaker and Author of self-help best selling books. b.1940)

          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœThe past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.”

    Leslie Poles Hartley quotes (English Writer, 1895-1972)


          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœI like men who have a future and women who have a past”

    Oscar Wilde quotes (Irish Poet, Novelist, Dramatist and Critic, 1854-1900)  


          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœForgiveness does not change the past, but it does enlarge the future.”

    Paul Boese quotes    


          ÃƒÂ¢Ã‚€ÂœYou can clutch the past so tightly to your chest that it leaves your arms too full to embrace the present.”

    Jan Glidewell quotes

  2. "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it"

    -- George Santayana
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