
Quotes in French desperately needed!?

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I need a bunch of them for my French class webpage. Merci!




  1. Je suis ne en Corse, comme Napoleon.

    Lafeyette, nous voila.

    Je suis revenu (from the Terminator movie).

    Lache moi les basket.   (which is slang for "Give me a break" in English.

  2. "Mieux vaut faire, et se repentir, Que se repentir, et rien faire."

    ~Mellin de Saint-Gelais, Quatrains, LXXVIII

    (It's better to do something, and regret it, than to regret, and do nothing.)

    "Il faut beaucoup de naïveté pour faire de grandes choses."

    ~René Crevel

    (You need a lot of naïvety to do great things)

    "La plus perdue de toutes les journées est celle où l'on n'a pas ri."

    ~Sébastien Roch Nicolas

    (The most wasted of all days is the one during which you did not laugh.)

    C'est à cause que tout doit finir que tout est si beau.

    ~Charles-Ferdinand Ramuz

    (It's because everything must end that everything is so beautiful.)


    "L'amour est à ceux qui y pensent."

    ~Marcel Achard

    (Love belongs to those who think about it.)

    "Une danse est un poème."

    ~Denis Diderot

    (A dance is a poem.)

    I have a ton of other quotes saved to a MS Word file, so if you need more, just shoot me an email & I'll send it to you.

    : )

  3. ALL SITES - IN FRENCH:      Apprendre le français            Outils utiles au travail ou à la maison      Exercices variés

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