
Quoting an exceptional answer in my blog?

by  |  earlier

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If I read an answer that 'moves me' can I quote it, giving credit of course,

without the writers permission. - He doesn't accept e-mail.

I'm not so much looking for a legal answer as an ethical one.




  1. It is a question of conscience, does it feel good and true to reveal it?, will it benefit others?   What are your motives?  selfish or charitable?  Would they mind?  If you feel happy with your answers then go ahead and give them the acclaimation.  If I were in your shoes I think I would, I often quote beautiful things from others, but always try to name (and shame) them.  I think it is good to share, thats one of the beauties of the WWW, we ahve the opportunity to share around the world.

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