
Quranites: Is it good to say 'pbuh' after the prophets' names, or is this also a form of idolatry?

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Also, is it good to say SWT after saying Allah?




  1. youre supposed too

  2. not necessarily,as Prophets Messengers are already in peace in Jannah,follow their message,if you want to respect them.

    this is not respect saying PBUH,and   following,bukhary,muslim,hamble,

    nessai,trimdhi,taimiyah etc !!

    your beliefs are so obliterated that you can not differentiate between truth and false..

    Quranist follow strictly Glorious Quran and not books of  fabrications and lies called hadith books..

    those who follow hadith books definately reject Quranic verses..just as the true shahadah...37:35,3:18.

    [3:18] GOD bears witness that there is no god except He, and so do the angels and those who possess knowledge. Truthfully and equitably, He is the absolute god; there is no god but He, the Almighty, Most Wise

    [37:35] When they were told, "Laa Elaaha Ella Allah [There is no other god beside GOD]," they turned arrogant.

    Allah Allmighty DOES NOT bear Witness to your false shahadah,except the one stated in 30 different places in Glorious Quran.and thats is "Laa Elaaha Ella Allah"

  3. [33.56] Surely Allah and His angels bless the Prophet; O you who believe! call for (Divine) blessings on him and salute him with a (becoming) salutation.

    Saying PBUH, the English form of SAW is mentioned in the Quran.

  4. No it's not a form of idolatry if you say peace be upon him after the prophet's names. They were human, and you are only wishing peace upon them, you can really wish peace on anyone for that matter. And it's good to say SWT, too.  

  5. Salam for you my dear friend.Yes it is better if we say the name of Muhammad put also pbuh or s.a.w (sallahu alaihi wassalam)  after his name and for another prophets we put a.s or alaihi salam. and for his sahabahs we put r.a or radiallahu anhu..It is not the form of idolatry but only a form of respect or mark of honour to him

    Yes it better if we put s.w.t or subhannahu wa taala after we say Allah

    as praising to Allah.

  6. try to understand how much muslim love rusul ALLAH


    Allahumma salli `ala sayyidina wa mawlana Muhammadin sahibit taji wal-mi`raji wal-buraqi wal-`alam. Dafi` al-bala'i wal-waba'i wal-qahti wal-maradi wal-alam. ismuhu maktubum marfu`um mashfu`um manqushun fil lawhi wal-qalam. Sayyidil `arabi wal-`ajam. Jismuhu muqaddasum mu`attarum mutahharum munawwarun fil-bayti wal-haram. Shamsid duha badrid duja sadril `ula nuril huda kahfil wara misbahiz zulam. Jamilish shyami shafi` il-umam. Sahibil judi wal-karam. Wallahu `asimuhu. Wa jibrilu khadimuhu. Wal-buraqu markabuhu. Wal-mi`raju safaruhu wa sidratu al-muntaha maqamuhu. Wa qaba qawsayni matlubuhu. Wal-matlubu maqsuduhu wal-maqsudu mawjuduh. Sayyidil mursalin. Khatimin nabiyyeena shafi`il mudhnibin. Anisil gharibeena rahmatil lil `alamin. Rahatil `ashiqeen. Muradil mushtaqeen. Shamsil `arifeen. Sirajis salikeen Misbahil muqarrabeen. Muhibbil fuqara'ay wal-ghuraba’ay wal-masakeen. Sayyidith thaqalaynay nabiyyil haramayn. imamil qiblatayn. Waseelatina fid darayn. Sahibi qaba qawsayni mahbubi rabbil mashriqayni wal-maghribayn. Jadd al-hasani wal-husayn mawlana wa mawlath thaqalayn Abil Qasimi MUHAMMAD dibni `Abdillahi nurinm min nurillahi yaa ayyuhal mushtaquna bi nuri jamalihi sallu `alayhi wa alihi wa ashabihi wa sallimu taslima.


    O Allah, send blessings and Peace upon our Master and Patron Muhammad, The Owner of the Crown and the Ascent and the Buraq and the Standard, The Repeller of Affliction and Disease and Drought and Illness and Pain. His name is written on high, served and engraved in the Tablet and the Pen, The Leader of All, Arabs and non-Arabs, Whose body is sanctified, fragrant, and pure, Illumined in the House and the Haram, The Sun of Brightness, the Full Moon in Darkness, The Foremost One in the Highest Fields, the Light of Guidance, The Cave of Refuge for Mortals, the Lamp That Dispels the Night, The Best-Natured One, The Intercessor of Nations, The Owner of Munificence and Generosity. Allah is his Protector, Gabriel is his servant. The Buraq is his mount, the Ascent is his voyage, The Lote-Tree of the Furthermost Boundary is his station, Two Bow-Lengths or Nearer is his desire, His desire is his goal, and he has found his goal, The Master of the Messengers, the Seal of the Prophets, The intercessor of sinners, the friend of the strangers, The Mercy for the Worlds, The rest of those who burn with love, the goal of those who yearn, The sun of knowers, the lamp of travellers, The light of Those Brought Near, The friend of the poor and destitute, The master of Humans and Jinn, The Prophet of the Two Sanctuaries, The Imam of the Two Qiblas, Our Means in the Two Abodes, The Owner of Qaba Qawsayn, The Beloved of the Lord of the Two Easts and the Two Wests, The grandfather of al-Hasan and al-Husayn, Our patron and the patron of Humans and Jinn: Abu al-Qasim MUHAMMAD Son of `Abd Allah, A light from the light of Allah. O you who yearn for the light of his beauty, Send blessings and utmost greetings of peace Upon him and upon his Family.

  7. Not necessary.

    We MUST understand, that the Prophets and Messengers are HUMANS, NO different to us. The ONLY difference is that they have been picked up for the duty. Had they not been picked, someone else would have been picked i.e. If Moses would not have been picked, then may be someone else would have been picked up.

    Moreover, people WHO do not witness miracles or signs and yet reach conviction and belief in God, carry a far greater advantage to the humans who witness that. Ref. 5:115


    GOD said, "I am sending it down. Anyone among you who disbelieves after this, I will punish him as I never punished anyone else."


    We also see, that NONE of the prophets and messengers had a choice and preference in believers and followers. They were commanded to treat the faithful believers amicably. And disobedience in this regard could result in disaster to them. Ref. surah 80, 6:52, 11:29.

    In fact, since the messengers and the prophets were associated with signs and support from God, therefore they were expected of a far more responsibility and were subject to tougher standards of compliance.

    Another significant aspect to see, is the fact that, even the most significant messengers and prophets were NOT the best of the lot of men of those times. For example:

    1-  In the case of Moses we see that he was sent out to meet another person "Khizar", who was MUCH MORE knowledgeable than Moses. And he is NOT mentioned as either a prophet or a messenger.

    2-  As far as my study goes, I find that God has mentioned very highly for Ibrahim. In fact, as a neutral observer, I would say, EVEN higher than Mohammad (an observation that was there, even when I was not a Quranist). However, we note that God says about Ibrahim:


    Who would forsake the religion of Abraham, except one who fools his own soul? We have chosen him in this world, and in the Hereafter he will be with the righteous.

    Just note the difference in the following sense:

    "Ibrahim will be with the righteous and NOT Righteous will be with Ibrahim."

    Therefore, I would reiterate that Messengers and Prophets are just common FALLIBLE people, picked up for a special duty. Of course, God does not choose evil souls for his missions. But !!! ONLY HE knows the reason of his choice. We don't know.

    Therefore it is upto one, if he wants to use "pbuh" or not. I do not feel it necessary, as it stretches the sentences unnecessarily.

    Moreover, who are we asking for it. God ???, Do you think, if we do not ask it, God will not do it. He has ALREADY rewarded them. And our statements CAN neither benefit them NOR harm them even by a single inch.

  8. I dont think itz a form of idolatry. I believe itz respect.

    btw, wat is a quranite??

  9. I don't believe  wishing blessings on the soul of a prophet is idolatry. Idolatry in my opinion, requires acknowledging the power of another other than Allah to grant wishes without Allah's consent.  

    However, I believe that rebuking others who don't bless the prophet with specific clauses or phrases suggests an unhealthy respect for procedure and symbolism rather than substance.  

    I am not a Quranite.  

  10. never heard of "quranites" ,but  i have heard pious Muslims say PBUH after mentioning the Prophet as a sign of respect.

  11. lol YES!!! you're actually supposed to. its respect

  12. It is an honour given to our Prophet (SAW) for his efforts on this ummah. Also, the sahabah (RA) have their title as (RA) as well for their efforts of carrying on spreading the deen to others shown by the Pophet (SAW). Basically, when we say (SAW) we are actually sending our duas to our beloved Nabi (SAW). It is a title given from Allah. Some Ulama say that it is wajib to say (SAW) atleast once when hearing his name in a gathering or talk.

    Also, we say (AS) for the previous Prophets (AS) and (Rahmatullah Alayh) to the pious muslims.  

    Allah has given Jibrael (AS) the ability to count every single grain and every single leaf on Earth. But when someone recites (SAW), Jibrael (AS) is not able to count the blessings sent to our Rasoolullah (SAW). Imagine the amount of blessings sent to our Prophet(SAW) by only the recitation by one person. Ask yourself, what's so bad about saying (SAW)?  

    SAW = Sallallahu Alayhe Wa Sallam

    RA = Radiyallaho Anho

    AS = Alayhis Salaam

  13. Salaam is Peace and to wish peace on those who have passed away is not a form of worship.

    Your sarcasm is as transparent as your lack of knowledge and you malicious intent, to wit, to provoke.

    Quran is the Powerful Word of Allah and Allah calls Quran the Scripture of Exalted Might.

    Quran IS what Muslims have and the Apostles are all deceased and were.

    Show some respect for Quran and Allah.

    Worship none but Allah!

    There is no God but Allah.

    Quran is the Powerful Word of Allah!


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