
Quranites: do you all do the same form of salat?

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Eg. there are submitters only following number 19 (like Edip Yuksel), submitters taking Khalifa's approach, submitters who aren't concerned with the number 19 or Khalifa. Do all groups do salat the same way?




  1. its pretty mmuch the same for all of us i dont see why its necessary to bring out yet another small irrelevant difference.

  2. I'm sure everyone does salaat in a negligibly different way.

    However, we all pray for the same One. Allah.

    Isn't that all that matters?

  3. I don't even put on the headscarf to pray anymore these days  

  4. This may be an interesting question:

    -  I must admit that we have certain differences in salat. For example the submitters, insist that "Surah Fateha" is the most essential element of salat. While the "Edip Yuksel" group (with which I feel more convinced), is of the opinion that it is NOT.

    I would give you what I think. Since I feel more inclined towards the "Edip Yuksel" group, you should consider my answer as a biased one.

    The Edip Yuksel group is perhaps the MOST strictest group in REJECTING the Hadith. And Consequently the most striving to use "Quran Alone". This is the dominant reason why I lean towards it.

    In any case: The Edip Yuksel group focuses on a number of verses for the Salat. One of the verses are 17:110 and 111. These verses clearly tell us that :

    1-  The Salat is to be delivered in MODERATE tone.

    2-  The Salat is to MAGNIFY GOD and to implore to him.

    Through other verses we know:

    1-  The bowing and Prostration is an essential part of salat and is done at the end of salat e.g. the Salat ends with prostration.

    2-  There is no such thing as saying "Assalam...." to the right and left at the end of Salat. The Salat ends with prostration.

    3-  The salat is to seek help from God, from falling a prey to sinful lusts, or for help from God in daily life and to stay on righteous path.

    4-  The MOST essential principle of Salat is that it MUST be dedicated ONLY to God Alone.


    As long as the above principles are followed, the Salat is O.K.

    Edip Yuksel group is Also different to other groups in the sense that through a VERY careful and detailed examination of the verses, it is now clear to us that:

    1-  Salat is ONLY 3- Times a day and NOT 5 times a day, as practiced by the majority of Muslims.


    At this stage I would like to point out a few things:

    1-  To me the Salat is important as it is a gift and commandment of God.

    2-  However, the word Salat is used in multiple meanings in the Quran. It does not necessarily means "Prayer". There are two modes of Salat in the Quran: 1) To observe  2) to Deliver.

    A few meanings of the salat are:

    1-  To follow in footsteps without deviation.

    2-  To support.

    3-  To pray.

    In the Quran, the first two meanings have been used for ALL (in my experience and understanding) the occasions, wherever the "Success to heaven or in the life hereafter" is mentioned. This is VERY strongly supported by verses 22:41 and surah 107 and another verse (forgot its number).

    While the delivery of salat is important that it is a free gift from God. Just tap it and reap the great benefits. ANYTHING you do SPECIFICALLY for God Alone, always goes REWARDED heavily.

  5. Alhamdolillahe ,


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