
R.E coursework, HELP?

by  |  earlier

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im suppose to write a piece of r.e coursework that is 400 words or over to do with s*x before marriage, im suppose to write about whether it is good and whether it is bad. does any one have any sites or views/points for it? im really stuck.

thanks :)




  1. I sometimes use this debate site: debatepedia

  2. jst write like some ppl want it to be really special so wait for their husband so they know its the right person, nd they dont want to give it up to randomers

  3. Well, i would first decide what you believe.  Do you feel it is good or bad before marriage and why?  I can think of arguments on both sides... Def staying abstinent before marriage has benefits such as lowering risk of STD's for yourself and our community, lowering un-wanted pregnacies, etc.  However having s*x before marriage has benefits such as being able to test the car before you buy it. :)  I think however for a paper is concerned, you will be able to come up with alot more statistics and info if you argue that s*x is bad before marriage.  GL!

  4. Personally I would go with this point of long as both parties are informed of the actions and all the potential consequences(health, legal, etc.) that may arise as a result of having s*x and they are confident in their decision then go for it whether you are married or not. Otherwise just do not do it. There are many people who get married and are still not mentally, physically, or otherwise prepared for the consequences that sexual intercourse my bring about. Yet still others who are not married and having s*x are perfectly fine and responsible for their actions. Ok enough random thoughts hope they help.
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