
R.I.P. obama, ever see a dead man walking?

by  |  earlier

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Twinkle twinkle little star.

They will never forget you till somebody new comes along!

Good night sweet prince.

Stick a fork in him, he's done!




  1. sounds like ur a diehard rep.

  2. What did you see that I didn't? So she said harsh things. All of the things to attack her on are so serious about her character. She is making her 17 year old pay for an error in judgement for the rest of her life. Palin is crazy!!!!!!

    If Obama losses it will be because you all are crazy.

    Is it you we have to thank for G W Bush????

  3. Lol, i wonder if you realize the bold portion of your question, you have just qualified your account for review/consideration by powers higher than yahoo.

  4. She gave a good speech, but is totally unqualified. Good luck*

  5. you are a complete idiot

  6. Hey I got one!

    Me: Mirror, mirror on the wall, who's not going to win the election come this fall?

    Mirror: The American people?

    Me: Oh Mirror, why do you say that?

    Mirror: Because both parties are just spitting out c**p for Americans to soak up and are not going into detail on how they're going to fix the problems the nation is facing. They don't seem to have the answers, yet attack each other and say the other party doesn't have a clue.

    Me: Thanks mirror!

  7. I got your back  .....  com-padre

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