
R McCain supporters rushing to take a Palin 101 class so they can rush back in here and defend that Moron?

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Its amazing what about experience now. Mayor of a hick town with 2 red lights lol




  1. At least she was in charge of a town, not a community organizer who connected himself with scam artists and racists.

  2. She came from a humble background and became a governor of Alaska. Her husband is a regular joe and not an ex-president. She really overcame odds to become a governor in a country where any d***less joe could make sexist comment but wouldn't criticize a black man even when warranted, afraid of being called a racist. I have nothing but respect for Senator Obama. He has a class. But I feel nauseated when I see these d***less joes making sexist comments on TV shows and internet.

    This is a woman who stood against corrupt men and Oil giants. She started her political carrier in 1992 as a mayor of a small town and now she is already a VP candidate. She is the most popular politician in US with 80% approval rating amongst her constituents.

  3. Still more experience than MR "Present"

  4. yea they are, wow she was mayor in alaska & now shes a governor && to top it all off she has a baby with downsyndrom she definitely deserves a medal... she has no experience, alaska can supply oil for the u.s. && china. biden takes up for what obama lacks, but palin is just proof that mccain is running scared. mccain only picked her because he couldnt pick clinton and he wants people who would have voted for clinton to vote for him just because he chose a woman for vp..but guess what not gonna happen, no woman is that stupid, its not about being black, white, male or female its whos gonna do the best for our country and that obama we dont need 4more years of the last 8.

  5. I can see that you obviously have something against educating yourself on the candidates, but most of us would prefer to be informed about the people who will be leading our country

    It keeps us from asking questions like 'what about experience now', and being unaware that the Republican VP candidate is the governor of a state, not the mayor of a small town, when the candidates' accomplishments are listed ALL over the internet, and even here at YA...Cuz, you know, that would make us look like morons.

  6. ANOTHER IGNORANT are all a dime a dozen wouldn't know a genuine human being if you dropped your bong at their  front door....just another ignorant demoncrat in a country full of ignorant demoncrats......get a job move outta mommies house...and LIVE IN THE REAL some bills and work 60 hours a week...before you spout off like a socialist F*YUing traitor that you are!!!!!!!!!

  7. Yes they think she's "the perfect choice" and had absolutely no idea who the h**l she was 24 hours ago.

  8. Are Obama supports really so childish to resort to name calling with someone they know nothing about?

    I believe the answer lies in your question.

  9. How is she a Moron? Please explain to us how you come to that assessment? Troll?

  10. She is Governor of alaska.  Yes your worried, and you should be.  McCain, Palin, and Biden all have more experience than Obama

  11. Palin is working like a charm.  Why talk about the past 8 years when we can talk about Palin?

  12. No, you've got it all wrong.  She was a community organizer and voted present dozens of time.  Hope and change man.  don't fight it you low life woman hater.


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