
R&P, Whats the worst Biggest band ever out there of forever?

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Dont Worry!

In my opinion the most successful band that sucks is "U2"

Who likes these guys anyways? I never got into them, i dont think any of their songs are even that great. Bono's an idiot, and why does his guitarist decide his name will be "Edge"?

Get over yourself man!

what do you think?




  1. I think U2's has qualilty of music has waned in the past 10 years or so and especially since Achtung Baby!  Still, i am not going so far as to say they are terrible.  I just seems somwhere along the way they became followers instead of leaders.  I can't say they are the most overrated band since their early work is stellar.

      Bono may be over the top with the whole "Rock Star" personna, but to say he is an idiot is not a fair statement.  Please know that when you get older a bell goes off inside  your head beckoning you to make some kind of difference either just in the ones you love and family and if possible, for the world.   Bono  has made it possible for alot of Africans to get much needed phamaceuticals for the AIDS virus.  

    I can clearly see the fire is still burning inside of him to do as much as he can.  Despite the apparent cold uncaring front many politicians seem to have Bono has a gift for reaching their inner humane to some point.    Bono definitely has a way with words, check out some of his public speaking on You Tube.

    Yeah, when people get old they get alittle nervous, anxious, we start grasping for something real.  Sometimes we look stupid for doing it.  Just remember, their fighting off becoming obsolete.  

  2. I think you're an a*****e who isn't smart enough to "get" U2.  

    Who likes these guys?  Well, about 400 million people have been die-hard fans for nearly three decades, but I guess they're just idiots to your genius, right?

    Their names are simply nicknames... you know, like Prince, Elvis Costello, Elton John and others who don't use their real names while performing.  Also, the "idiot" Bono has managed to raise about a quarter of a billion dollars for starving Africans.  What have you accomplished in your life?  Do you even work?

    People who slack off U2 as "c**p" or "they suck" do so because they have absolutely no appreciation for music that is spirtual, political and personally moving.  I'm not sure who you listen to but I imagine there are a lot of people who would think those bands sucked too.

    The difference between them and you is that they don't think their uninformed opinion is really all that important.  How sad your life must be that you think your opinions are!

    I think you need to get over yourself!  Who cares what you think anyway?  What are you... the Rolling Stone critic or just some loser with a computer and WAY too much time on your hands?

  3. The Rolling Stones

  4. I love U2 and think they are one of the greatest Bands of all time but it's cool. I'm not offended or anything. I realize Everyone will never agree on everything, it's all good.


    Metallica and KISS do many things...suck ain't one of them.

    Radiohead??? Yeah right.

  5. yeah

    fall out boy

    my chemical romance

    linkin park

    are the next

    then metallica with the black album

  6. i don't really listen to U2, but i personally think their success is well deserved.

    i think are more worse bands out there.. jonas brothers, hannah montanna/miley cyrus (obviously) simple plan, TOKIO HOTEL, god they are really bad.  

  7. Disagree, I'm a big fan of them and they don't suck but thats okay everyone has different opinions I'll respect that.  

  8. I starred it......

  9. WOW!!!  I've got to totally disagree with the whole U2 hate thing that you've got going on here...  I'd say Metallica or KISS because they really do suck!!!

    U2 = The second greatest band in history!!!  Going to one of their shows is like going to church, Bono is always trying to give back and do something positive for the entire planet (example:  do the RED thing with GAP), and they just ROCK!!!  I am really surprised that you loathe them so much...  "With Or Without You" is one of the greatest cuts ever!!!  I could go on and on, but you're entitled (I guess) even if you are just WAY WRONG!!!

  10. i donno, U2 gets on my nerves sometimes too, but they have (or should i say "had") their moments.

  11. i agree! U2 sucks so bad

    makes me want to cut my toes off with fishing line...

  12. jonas brothers ARE HORRIBLE, so is miley cyrucs,simple plan,tokio hotel,hedley,my chemical romance, and fall out boy, oh and panic at the disco (hehe more like panic at the g*y bar lol).

  13. I think U2 is pretty good. If you take the average of where they are placed (take out the fanatics who love them and the people who completely hate them) they're rated just about right. I'm not a fan, but I like some of it and all in all I get it. I think the problem is that they are surprisingly, incredibly polarizing. I've heard people say that they are the better than the Beatles and even in a sort of a pantheon of great bands (historically, in legacy) sort of a way, and I think that is pretty insane. At the same time I think you're letting sort of preference based biases get in the way to say that they are without merit.

    "the Edge" is kind of a silly nickname, but it was either the late 70s or the 80s so you have to factor that into the judgment. By the time it was less fashionable he was already famous enough for it to be too big of a deal to stop being "the Edge."

    As to who I think is the most overrated I would say Oasis. Really, what has Oasis really done to be so special. There's nothing new or particularly interesting going on there. Maybe I just don't see it, but I don't at all. They're ok. They're kind of catchy and they spin poppy rock tunes, but I don't see how they're such a revelation.


    Oh, I didn't see the Bono is an idiot thing somehow, but Mr. Bernstein said pretty much exactly what I wouid say only better. Bono has done great things. Say what you will about the rock star thing, but you have to admit that he's done it right as far as using his fame to do good things, and not letting it kind of break him, or scandalize him maybe a better way to put it, like many others have. He seems pretty well adjusted all in all.

  14. U2 aren't the greatest band in the world (Radiohead is), but they are great, in my opinion. The '80s singles are incredible "With or Without You," "Sunday Bloody Sunday," "Pride (In the Name of Love)," "I Still Haven't Found What I'm Looking For," "Angel of Harlem," etc.

    I would say Madonna. I know, I know, she's an artist, not a band, but she came to mind first. So much fame, seen as a "pop legend," but, all in all, not much great music to her name.  

  15. I agree with U2,       I also can't seem to understand the appeal of Nickelback?

  16. Well, I disagree with you about U2, but I still think this is a good question. It's also a tough one. If I really think about it, I guess I would have to say that Nirvana is WAY overrated. Their stuff is SO depressing!

  17. sorry man, U2 fan here. Loved the 80's, wasnt a fan of the rest. But hey, your opinion is no more correct than mine...

    anyway, as far as terrible bands that are massive go, I was never a big Poison fan. Just never got into that whole genre

    (And since your a favorite contact of mine, and even though I hate people who take it personally when others don't like on of their favorite bands, I just figured I'd tell you they called him the Edge as a joke based on his facial features. He was know as David Evans all the way to the Joshua Tree)

  18. Creed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!...

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