
R&P, do u have a myspace?

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Is anybody here under 18 and not have a myspace?

I wanna find out cuz everyone in the world and at my schoool seems to have one and i think im the only teen in the world who doesnt have one.




  1. I finally got one after people kept asking me to get one at school.

    After i got that then everyone was like get a facebook.

    Bleh  I'm not a fan of either. Myspace is good for finding unknown bands though.

  2. well, I'm 21, but my sister is 15 and she doesn't have one.....

    she has a facebook though, so I guess this answer was pointless..................................


  3. Yeah, I have a myspace. I don't use it much though. Just to talk with friends and plan to go out. I spent like an hour making my profile fierce. Lol, yeah I know I don't use myspace much but I was bored and there was nothing to answer here.

  4. I got mine when i was 11 and im 13 now. All my friends at school have a myspace and we're all i middle school! LOL

  5. No one at my school has one... we all use Facebook. But I don't even use mine that often. I'd rather just talk to people or do something. I don't get why some people spend hours on Facebook leaving messages and commenting on pictures... what a waste of time...

    R&P is more entertaining than Facebook... :)

  6. Yep... I'm a bit of a myspace w***e

    I have nearly 7000 friends, haha!

    it's alright if ya don't have one..

    I have many friends who don't have myspace.

  7. Haha don't be so sure.

    I'm 18 and I've never had Myspace/Bebo/any retarded social networking site to check up on your friends every 10 minutes - OmGzZ!  

  8. im 21... and i dont have a myspace... im not a teen though lol. And i just dont want one

  9. i got one


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