
R&P Regulars....what the H***has happened?

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Has romper room let loose their snotty nosed kids on here tonight or what? Love triangles? Huh?

Let's try a good old fashioned quiz

MQ: Which of these is the worst vocalist:

Bob Dylan

Scott Stapp (Creed)

Ringo Starr

Gene Simmons

Tom Petty

***Note, I'm not bashing, but ya gotta admit, some of these guys just cant sing.....great songwriters YES, but singsers......




  1. You're just jealous

  2. I happen to love Bob Dylan and his voice (although amongst singers, yes he's poor),

    Scott Stapp is cheesy, he would have been on American Idol.

    Ringo Starr is a bad singer. Surprised John and Paul gave him anything to sing, considering their egos.

    Gene Simmons is just bleh. I think I just tune him out. I think I'm also biased against Kiss.

    Tom Petty. He's not a great singer, but I like the guys voice. It just couldn't have been anyone else....

    So I guess in my own opinion, Scott Stapp would be the worst way to go. It would be between him and Simmons, but at least Kiss rocked....listening to Creed won't get you laid.

    Well, without reading any of the other answers all I can say is, agree to disagree. As cliche as it is, if we all loved the same music the world would be even more depressing.

  3. people just love MJ jezus juice  

  4. Yeah, wth is up around here tonight? Seriously, thanks for the back to earth q!  I really can't answer your q, though, never heard of any of them cept Bob Dylan, and I like him. What is going on around here though? Did someone seriously propose over YA?

  5. dylan is by far the worst of all of them, and imo all of them are bad singers with the exception of tom petty

    however, eddie vedder may be worse than all of them

  6. None of the above. They are all very distinctive sounding men. If I had to choose my least favorite, it would be Scott Stapp, not just because I dislike Creed, but I don't think he is a very good or talented singer.

    Bob Dylan was not a great singer, it doesn't matter. It is about who he was and what he was saying.

    Ringo Starr sang some of the best loved Beatle songs ever. He does not have a great range like John, or a sweetness like George, but Ringo is his own man, and you know, there is nothing wrong with him.

    Gene Simmons may be a big egomaniac, but he gives Kiss something that Paul Stanley can't and that's the danger factor. Gene was scary (for that time period) and Paul is definitely a much better singer. In my opinion, Kiss would not have been as successful without Gene.

    Tom Petty are you kidding me? He a legend in Southern Rock. His work with the Heartbreakers will be played on every Classic Rock station from here in NJ to CA and everywhere around the world.He has a very unique sound, but that is more from where in the country he lives than anything else.

    The only one who doesn't belong is Stapp.

    Sorry for such a long answer.

  7. Bob Dylan. Great lyricist, but he couldn't sing to save his life! It works for him, though...somehow.

  8. I'm not a regular, but I'm pretty sure it will die down pretty quick. Although I do find it slightly amusing.

    MQ: Scott Stapp

  9. It's called having a sense of humour. :P

    And Scott Stapp.

  10. Eddie Vedder is way worse than any of those Guys, lol.

    Ahhhh baa DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ba whana waaa HAAA ha HAAAAAAA

    STFU already You yodeling freak.

  11. That guy fro creed sounds as if he has some sort of amphibian stuck in his throat

  12. Scott Stapp

    LOL, Darth. That had me ROFL!

  13. what is Bob Dylan even doing on a list with those four musical losers? a fine vocalist he may not be, but, given his songwriting skills, he shouldn't even be mentioned in the same breath as the others...

  14. There's someone that doesn't fit in that list. I'm not sure which one.

    And yes, the 'love triangle' stuff is stupid.

    It was cute at first.

  15. Bob Dylan worse singer eva!

  16. scott stapp. thanks for getting me out of all of the love triangle dramas. finally a REAL question

    EDIT: ok. ill admit it, i'm jealous..and confused. lol. i'll jsut go now..

  17. im confused did i miss something?

  18. um, well ringo is good in my mind haha sorreee :)

    um i would have to say scott.

    and here come all the thumbs-down's haha.... lol

  19. i know seriously! it's getting on my nerves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    mq:Ringo Starr

  20. I'd say a tie between Bob and Gene

  21. I know all this love triangle stuff is crazy, but kinda feel left out....

    Anything Creed is just


  22. I have to agree.....what is R&P coming to??? Love triangles seriously??

    this isn't the R&P i once knew and loved (still love though)

    Scott Stapp by a mile......

    Finally thanks for a real question!

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