
R&P: What do you think of the movie Psycho?

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What do you think of Hitchcock's classic Psycho? I loved the first and last third, but I could hardly stay awake during the middle...

MQ: Your favorite movie soundtrack?




  1. i love the movie psycho. i love alfred hitchcock. pretty much everything he did is amazing.

    i'm a sucker for the dirty dancing soundtrack. lmao

  2. The first time I saw it, I thought it was amazing, such a classic. It does get boring, though..

    MA: Forrest Gump is my FAVORITE movie soundtrack, ever. :)

  3. Yes I Love that movie!!!!

    my favorite movie soundtrack is Jaws LOL!! and Good fellas

  4. I think it is one of the most groundbreaking movies of all times. Hitchcock was a genius and liked to play mind games with the audience. It was a real shocker at that time to kill the leading lady so soon in the action.

    Psycho created what the thriller genre is today. It trashed the monster movies and changed it forever. When you look at Norman Bates and the psychotic look i his eye and when you see him watching the inspector's car sinking into the swamp... WOW. What a scene.


  5. I have seen it. It's pretty good... I like the scene when the girl is stabbed in the bathroom... Pretty scary.

    MQ: I might sound nerdy but I have always liked the Harry Potter soundtracks...

  6. I loved it! I like Alfred Hitchcock's work, anyway.

    MA: I also like the Pulp Fiction soundtrack.  

  7. :O Really? I love it, it's one of my favourite films.

    MQ: Too many, but one being Pulp Fiction. And Snatch.  


    I wish I had the Movie House experience when it came out.

    I heard that no one was alloowed in, after the movie started.

    First time I saw it -- I already knew about Janet Leigh, but I had know idea it would happen at that point in the movie -- I thougtht it was the ending.

    The scene where Martin Balsam is stabbed and the style of camera work, in the way he fell down the stairs was Fascinating.

    I also LOVE the scene where Norman is being interogated at the Front desk by the Detective and you can gradually see Anthony Perkins, getting "madder & madder" -- He is a Very underrated Actor.

    As f**t as Hitchcock - I've never seen a Movie of his that I did not think was Original and Brilliiant, except for some of his last ones.

    The Birds - Still Freak me Out !!

    MA: Well Bernhard Herrmann is hard to Beat LOL, but honestly my Favorite is Peter Shickle's (PDQ Bach) soundtrack to "Silent Running."

    It's not the BEST soundtrack - I just think it captures all the visual aspects fo the Film from grandiose to sad.


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