
R&P..What guitar do you own?

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Name your guitar/s and which one is your favorite

MQ: Whats your favorite Guitar Solo?




  1. I have a crappy acoustic eleca that I picked up off somewhere, god knows where - I don't even play it! hah


    mq: I put a spell on you - ccr

  2. My mom's boyfriend is letting me borrow his Fender Telecastor until he takes me to the guitar store to get me one... I don't know if that counts. And I have an acoustic guitar that I got in 3rd grade that is collecting dust underneath my bed. My dad practically gave me his acoustic guitar the other day and it is really beautiful. Well, my favorite guitar of the three is the Telecastor, but since I do not technically own it, I am going to say the acoustic my dad gave me. It is a touch large, though.

    MQ: Dazed and Confused, especially when performed live. That is sheer brilliance right there. I love listening to TSRTS version of it. 26 minutes of pure genius right there...  

  3. Epi Les Paul

    I'd like to get a semi-hollow (Dot) soon

    MQ Sunshine of your love

  4. I own 4.

    A Gibson SG, Ibanez ADX120, Epiphone SG and a Jackson.

  5. Epiphone G400 SG

    MQ: I don't know, but Epic by Faith No More has a good solo.

  6. I am getting a lameass beginner acoustic guitar XD

    but i want a black gibson les paul

  7. Currently I own an Ibanez RG321MH. I absolutely love it and it is my favourite right now.

    MQ: Oh that's a hard one. Off the top of my head I'll say Crazy Train, but I'll probably change my answer later.

  8. I have a Fender Stratocaster HSS and an Alvarez acoustic. I love them both.

    MQ: Metallica- Fade to Black

  9. Fender Telecastor

    Gibson Les Paul Studio <----deffinitaly my favorite :)


    Stairway To Heaven [Led Zeppelin], Killer Queen [ Queen], and Comfortably Numb [Pink Floyd]

  10. Epiphone les paul custom is my fav right now, gibson lespaul studio, fender acoustic, and in 2 weeks my new baby will be here my taylor 210e. Also working on an epiphone les paul studio, put in grover tuners like on gibsons, burstbuckers and a bigsby.  

  11. Favorite - Epiphone 1975 Double Neck {Red Of Course}

    Epiphone - Les Paul Sunburst

    Takamine 381c - 12 String Acoustic/Electric

    Fender - 12 String Acoustic/Electric

    Epiphone - Les Paul Special Bass

    Dean - Acoustic/Electric Bass

    Favorite Solo - Stairway To Heaven


  12. A Gibson Les Paul Studio!  WAY to many solos to list here.  

  13. Best: Godin Exit 22-S

    Other ones:

    ION Starter (Strat Copy)

    Fender Gemini II

    MQ: Floods - Pantera.. especially the end.

  14. I own a Yamaha F310 acoustic

    And am getting my Kramer Vanguard FR-440S in about a week..

    I'm still waiting for it.

    Gibson owns Kramer Guitars

  15. I own a first class air guitar!

    MQ: November Rain, beautiful solo

    Edit: why the thumbs down? i see someones grumpy today

  16. tele,84 sg, burns bison 62 reisue***fav, p bass, ibanez bass, hofner teardrop,

    war pigs

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