
R&P: What is something funny that happened in the new school year?

by  |  earlier

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I myself filled out a survey just about random things.

Some of the funnier answers:

Nickname: Bernardy

Music: Clown Metal/Pirate core/Parrot core

Siblings: Six brothers in Afghanistan working on a goat/donkey breeding farm

Job in future: Space Station janitor

Favorite song: tampon lollipops (actual song!)




  1. My school year hasn't started yet, I go back on the third =P

    I hate those surveys.....

  2. so the pest potrol came and shouted YOU GOT ANY PESTS! i shouted   right here pointing at a dude then the dude said   boy shut up then a dude sprayed hin with water we laughed

    also i threw him out the window say i was litering garbage

  3. lolollololo

    I was cornered by a Jonas bother fan.

    I pretended to be polite. You don't want the details.

    Now for my English essay tomorrow, I'll say what kind of music I like :grin:.

    Part of the essay declares how I love Nile.

    Then I'll be alienated by everyone: "zomgz you likez the debilz music!!"

    That's the disadvantage of going to a Catholic school as a blackmetalhead.

    There are other things that are probably inappropriate for human consumption.

  4. LOL Clown Metal/ Pirate core/Parrot core!!

    Edit: Alright, but the way you worded it made me laugh.

    School doesn't start until next Wednesday for me.

  5. The fire alarm in my dorm building went off at 6:00 am. Actually that wasn't funny lol

  6. LMAO!

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