
R&P: can you remember the last time you liked ANY modern music?

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I really can't... i'm beginning to think i never have. i wish that at lest SOME modern music could be a little bit better than what it is. it really has gone downhill...




  1. I like the Dropkick Murphys, The Killers, Amy Winehouse, My Chemical Romance (let the haters begin), Disturbed, Weezer, Coldplay, Daughtry, Foo Fighters, The White Stripes, and Gnarls Barkeley. their music is good to me and it doesnt involve me having to ever watch MTV.

    i know i'll get thumbs down but i'm at the point where i dont really care. i like this music and its not my problem if anyone else doesnt.

  2. I love lots of modern music - my collection ranges from the 1890's to 2008.

  3. Nintendouche is 100% correct.

    And you don't need to "dig deep" to find the d**n music. It's right there. There's plenty of amazing music out now.

    Jumping on the "New music sucks!" bandwagon is just as bad as jumping on the "Old music sucks!" bandwagon.

  4. Let's see... a couple years ago, when I didn't like classic rock, I listened a bit to what some of my friends were listening to, which was a lot of modern music. I didn't really love it, but I listened to it anyways. Then, as my interest in classic rock grew, my interest in modern music shrunk. Now I despise most of today's music. If you dig real, real deep, you can find a thing or to that is worth listening to, but I never listen to modern music anymore. Like you said, music is going downhill.

    In my opinion, not to offend any of you modern music lovers out there.  

  5. Sure.

    There's plenty of BRILLIANT music being recorded today. They just don't play it on MTV.

    I consider Radiohead (active, recording, and touring) the greatest badn ever. Give them a listen. I recommend the albums OK Computer and In Rainbows to start. Incentive lol: frontman Thom Yorke first wanted a guitar after seeing Brian May performing on television.

  6. When I was in 7th grade (so... 4 years ago...) I really liked a lot of alternative rock, but then the only alternative radio station in my area got replaced by some stupid love music station (I don't know how they're even in business still), so I just kind of got out of touch with it and sort of stopped listening. I do listen on occasion, though... mostly to bring back the memories.

    I'm not saying all modern music is bad, it's just that it's not really my style.

  7. Typical narrow minded person

    can you exactly define modern?

    how can you say it has gone downhill, have you listened to every piece of music in existence to make such a arrogant statement like that.

    stop jumping on the bandwagon along with everyone else who says mainstream is **** and so is modern music.  

  8. I really like the Dresden Dolls, and Amanda Palmer's solo stuff.  Busdriver rocks my world

    Two very different styles of music, but on first hearing i was in love...but it has been awhile since I have been impressed with new music.

  9. Well, many indie bands (like The Wombats) are fantastic. Also, Ska-Core and Ska-Punk bands (like Less Than Jake, Reel Big Fish, and Streetlight Manifesto) are always fun.

  10. I like a lot of music that comes out these days, but it's hard to find it.  Fortunately I like Punk Rock and there is an abundance of newer bands that are coming out that I love.  I also go to a lot of shows and check out all the opening bands, some are really good.  Bella Morte opened for Gorgeous Frankenstein last night and they were pretty freaking good,

  11. Just about 25 Minutes ago when I listened to Dalriada's epic song "Kikelet"

  12. Yeah, like just three seconds ago.  And I haven't seen MTV in about 5 years.

  13. You're listening to the wrong stuff dude - don't pay attention to MTV - that's all c**p. Dig deeper.  

  14. The last time for me was the early 90s.

    I think everyone complains that nothing is as good as when they were 13-15.  Probably because we idealize the past and hope that one day things can be that good again.

  15. I'm not sure if one of my favourites, Blackmore's Night, count as 'modern' since they formed in 1997 {though I only discovered them last year}.

    Ummm... let's see now...


    Scissor Sisters

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