
R&P: do you think you were born in the right year/era?

by Guest34249  |  earlier

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please explain your answer




  1. how do you ever know you are born in the right year or time frame? I personally think you never know, I am happy that I have an opportunity to be semi-young and be a part of the technology we have today such as the internet age the privilege to network your music on sites Like Youtube, Myspace, the convenience of our technology is KILLER I would like to be like 19 right now again in my first band and have what we have today. you might be saying the same thing 15 or 20 years from now all depending what we learn about the universe and how we advance in technology. Or an Alien Specie might come here tomorrow from another planet in parallel universe millions of years ahead in technology and solve all our problems and we could ALL be in the right era. Or the Mayans and their Folklore legend of the apocalyptic 2012 Just might be REAL and the world could END and then WE will ALL be Screwed and we could ALL be in the wrong time period, BUT I REALLY DOUBT that will be the case

    EDIT: doesnt matter.  doesnt thinking lead to KNOWING SOMETIMES??? yeah I think so

    EDIT: and YEAH you should have been more CLEAR then

  2. i think i sud of been born in the 80s skinny jeans and tight tops rock and so dose guns and roses  

  3. No, seriously. I've thought about this plenty before. I should have been born in the 50's so I could have properly experience the 60's. Simple as. Everything about it [except the war obviously]. I would have ended up a hippie pot/LSD head being able to go to Woodstock and other wonderful things like that.

    It's not fair. :'O

    [And the majority of my favourite bands are from then]

  4. My friends told me I should have been born in 1976 in London because thats when my favorite music, punk was huge in England

  5. Yeah, i think I was born in the right era.

    Hum, I dont know why I think this...

  6. yeah, i feel like i should have been born in the 20s

  7. No, I should have grown up in the 80's.

    That's when all my favorite bands were at their peak.

    I'm really into hair metal / glam.

    However, I think I could be happy in any decade

    because there's music I like from just about every one.

    I like 60's music such as Bob Dylan, 70's classic rock like the Stones and New York Dolls,

    a TON of stuff from the 80's like Guns N Roses and all that,

    and I liked grunge from the 90's like Alice In Chains and Nirvana.

    In this decade, well, there is some music I like

    I like melodic death metal (though a lot of that started in the 90's and early 2000's too)

    So I don't really think it's a matter of what year I was born,

    I think it's more of a matter of where I live,

    because there are people out there who share my taste in music,

    however, there are absolutely none around here, lol!

    Because unfortunately, I like everything but emo and rap,

    and the only thing people listen to around here IS emo and rap.

    But I would definitely have liked to been around in the 80's.

  8. I was born in the early 80's and people tell me I have the weirdest taste in movies (I LOVE old Hollywood films) Fred and Ginger movies/Goodbye Mr. Chip/ Casablanca/Meet me In St. Louis/Breakfast at Tiffany's just to name a few and in music (Sinatra/Bobby Darin/Dean Martin/Billie Holiday/The BEatles/Bob Dylan) I listen to really no modern music and don't enjoy new movies.  No one my age can really share in my interests that way.  Is this normal?

  9. Absolutely not.

    I think I should have been born in late 50's (say, '58 or '59). That way I would have grown up in the 60's and I would have been a teen for the 70's. I would hope that when I was growing up in the 60's one of my relatives would take me to a Beatles concert, and I would also just like to experience all that was going on in the 60's; to know what it felt like. I didn't like everything that was going on back then (I bitterly, utterly despise racism with my entire heart, words can't explain all the disliking I feel for it) but I wish I could have been around back then all the same. And then I'd be a teen in the 70's. Some of my favorite bands were still around in the 70's (Led Zeppelin lasted the whole decade...) and since I would be a teen I would be able to go to a lot more concerts. That I will never be able to see some of my favorite bands perform ever, and if I do get to see a couple a band member or more has died, so I wouldn't be able to see all of them together... and for me to know I will just never experience any of what was going on back then... the hippies... the good music... TV was better back then, too... it simply shatters my heart. I like very, very little in this era besides my friends and family who reside in it. Otherwise I belong to the 60's and 70's. I can't express how heartbroken I am.

    Everybody tells me I was born in the wrong decade too... just recently someone asked me, "Are you absolutely sure you're not an old person in a young person's body? You didn't use a time machine or anything?"

  10. No, I should be in 1975 right now (so I should have been born in 1959)... I'll cry if I explain it too thoroughly, but I'll try...

    Understanding what was happening during the '60s would have been awesome, too... I like the '60s and everything, but I just feel that I truly needed to be a teen in the '70s... That's when most of my favorite bands were at their peak. And I just feel a connection to everything that relates to the mid '70s... the years 1975 and 1976 in particular. I can't really explain it well, and I have a hard time dealing with knowing I'll never, ever get to know what it would have been like living then. All I can say is that I'm pretty upset I have to live in this era... it's not what I want, but I guess I'll have to make due...

  11. I think I am, yes. :) Because now I can look back on all the great music. I have years and years and years of great music behind me, and I'm happy, because I'm not missing out on anything.  

  12. Pretty much, if I was born maybe five to ten years ago, it would have been just fine, too.

    Metal started to make it big in the '92-93 era, and I really enjoy the music that came along after that, so I would say that I am in a pretty good time.  

  13. A little late. I was born in the early 90s, I would have fit better being born in the late 70s or early 80s

  14. I think i should've been born in the late 70's, so i'd be a teenager in the early 90's when Nirvana was in the charts. I could've gone to see MTV unplugged....  

  15. Absolutely.

    I am thirteen and listen to folk, psychedelic, no-wave, blues, and proto-punk. Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay Okay.

  16. No I'm 13 and I Shuld have been born in the 60s or 70s all of my favorite bands are from the 70s and 80s I hate all the sh*tty music now it's all bad rap and cheesy rock

  17. I feel like I was...I'm just a kid who likes to play with kids. But I turn 50 this year....which sucks>:(

    I can't Moonwalk with a walker....thats just ignorant

  18. Yes, the 90's is one of my favorite decades for music. I can't complain.

  19. i should have been born in the 80's cause i love the fashion and music :)

  20. As far as music goes.  Absolutely.  I was raised on Metallica and Pantera and Korn.  My taste has mellowed some, but really so has a lot of the music.  Staind, Disturbed, Flaw, Crossfade, Seether, and Three Days Grace.   Although I will say I can barely tollerate the new Metallica songs.  

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