
R&P: we pretty much own r&p. let's try conquering another genre, how about lyrics?

by  |  earlier

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Lol, I was kidding, I don't care at all. I'm good here.




  1. The istsy bitsy spider climbed up the water spout...da da da da da da daa da da da daa da da...yep I pretty much suck at 'em too!

  2. NOOOO!

    I love R&P!!!

  3. Lol that's some great idea! Grab your Viking, Pirate and Clown folks and go at the conquest of the unknown! But I fear we'll get reported for spam if we do it so no, forget it...

  4. we should have a war with rap/hiphop

  5. the romans tried to conquer the world. then the roman empire fell

  6. We shoudl take on Classical.

    Post questions about Slayer and Death on there.  

  7. Naw. You can go ahead though.

  8. Yarrr, tie those scurvies down to the yard-arm, and make way me-lads and lassies, for it is the lyrics we be a conquerin. Make haste and stow the mizzen-mast ya land-lubbers, for soon, we plunder the verbs, violate the sentence structure, cut off the dangling participles and, then the booty of more useless points shall be ours. NOW, who's with me? Oh wait, hold on, the timer just went off for my microwave popcorn, so I guess you'll be a plunderin by yer lonesome cause we all know you have to eat that popcorn right away or it gets nasty and then it's wasted.  

  9. Nah. I'm fine here.

    We don't want to start a Y/A world war or anything.

  10. We own R&P because we ARE R&P

  11. Nah. the last thing we need is another internet "war". R&P is the place to be

  12. 7 BA that's pretty good Ladytron. I remember the time We invaded the Parapsychology Section, that was pretty sweet. And I think that the Celebs Sectioan and the Y!A Mainframe are both still trying to recover from the day the assault of the R&P Jokers shut Y!A down for 18 hours, that was like the coolest thing to happen in Y!A..ever.

  13. Lol.  No comment NOW since I see that you are kidding...hah

  14. Eh I suck at lyrics. Other-Music can be fun though.

  15. I think we should conquer somewhere like..


    Edit: No really! How cool would that be?! No MCR/Jonas Brothers/any bad music questions! Yay!

  16. R&P is the best section in Y!A we are one big happy family.

    I rather keep things cool here than invade another section.

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