
R&S Poster Survey, 10 questions?

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1) Who posts the best thought-provoking questions in the R&S?

2) Who posts the funniest anti-theist questions?

3) Who posts the funniest pro-theist questions?

4) Who is winning the troll war?

5) Who is the funniest anti-theist answerer?

6) Who is the funniest pro-theist answerer?

7) Has anything on the R&S make you reconsider any of your positions on religion?

8) (A)theists are you as militant here as you are in the real world, or vise versa?

9) Do you prefer satirical questions or thought-provoking questions?

10) Atheists, do you eat babies? <--- I heard it was fun

Theists do you dasheth babies against the stones? <--- God Told you to in Psalm 137:9




  1. 1) that&#039;s a good one.  Toss up between the pagans and the HONEST PEOPLE that come here with an HONEST question.

    2) the lime kitties from yesterday, and the Pastafarians, and those guys

    3) same as above

    4) the atheists do tend to take their nontheistism to a religious fervor.

    5) refer to 2 &amp; 3

    6) refer to 5

    7) not at all, i&#039;m open minded to other people&#039;s POV&#039;s, but i&#039;m confident in my own tradition, which is why I (nor any other pagan i&#039;ve seen so far) spread hateful speech or try to convert people&#039;s faiths, although I do sometimes tell people to think for themselves.  Got my answer deleted once because i said just that ... &quot;As a human why not figure that out for yourself.&quot;

    8) N/A

    9) thought provoking.  Satirical questions are pointless attempts at getting people to convert.

    10) Do not confuse all theists as belonging solely to the big 3.  a Polytheist is still a theist.  None of my Gods has EVER suggested smashing a baby against a stone, and nothing written in the bible has meaning to me.

  2. i came here to escape P AND S...DAMM YOU....

  3. 1. I like Ethan&#039;s questions. Also Marlboro Man.

    2. Hrm. There are lots... Maybe Punky.

    3. I didn&#039;t think that was possible.

    4. Ugh, Christian trolls...

    5. Me, of course..

    6. Also didn&#039;t know that was possible.

    7. If anything, it has made me think religion is even dumber than I originally thought.

    8. No. This stuff doesn&#039;t usually come up in normal conversation.

    9. I like satirical ones mixed in with a few thought-provoking ones to prevent my brain from becoming mush.

    10. No, I eat babbies.

  4. 4) Bilbo Baggins

    7) Hahaha

    8) Not really.  I&#039;m just a kind-hearted Waffle Captain

    9) Both

    10) Oh yeah.  I&#039;m still looking for a breakfast recipe though.  Something that will work with waffles and eggs.

  5. 1) I dunno

    2) I dunno

    3) I dunno

    5) I dunno

    6) I dunno

    7) Only briefly

    8) I am a little less tactful here

    9) Satirical

    10) Babies are too chewy. I prefer the elderly.

  6. 1. Either Donna or The [Atheati Overlord]

    2. Sly Rick Roller Kitteh or Lime Kitty.

    3. Fireball.

    4. The troll war is equal on all sides. Woah, I forgot about RIFT3R. d**n him.

    5. Probably Punky, makes me laugh.

    6. Fireball always gets me going, unintentionally though.

    7. No one has yet to touch me in such a way.

    8. I&#039;m neutral in the real world, don&#039;t tell, don&#039;t ask.

    9. Satirical. The laughs, I need them.

    10. Babby Bolognaise. Yum yum.

  7. 1) Zilla

    2) Lime Kitty

    3) Lion of Judah (I swear, he should just marry Paul)

    4) Rifter or RI3TER or however it&#039;s spelled.

    5) Punky

    6) Jon M

    7) Only reinforced my atheism

    8) I&#039;m not militant, but when the occasion calls for it, I do enjoy a good debate. I don&#039;t actively seek it out though.

    9) Both

    10) Babby&#039;s mmmmm

  8. 1. Kevin!

    2. Lime Kitty

    3. Me.

    4. IMO, no one

    5.Still debating that

    6. Wolfeblayde

    7. No

    8. Can&#039;t answer

    9. Thought provoking

    10. No, I sure don&#039;t harm babies.

  9. 1) Who posts the best thought-provoking questions in the R&amp;S?

    The Unlizard

    2) Who posts the funniest anti-theist questions?

    Lime Kitteh

    3) Who posts the funniest pro-theist questions?


    4) Who is winning the troll war?

    The What Should I Do r****d

    5) Who is the funniest anti-theist answerer?

    Time Kitteh

    6) Who is the funniest pro-theist answerer?

    Slave of 12 Gods

    7) Has anything on the R&amp;S make you reconsider any of your positions on religion?


    8) (A)theists are you as militant here as you are in the real world, or vise versa?

    (I&#039;m not Atheist)

    9) Do you prefer satirical questions or thought-provoking questions?


    10) Atheists, do you eat babies? &lt;--- I heard it was fun

    Theists do you dasheth babies against the stones? &lt;--- God Told you to in Psalm 137:9


  10. 1. I think Donna puts up some good ones.

    2. Kitticrusade has some good ones.

    3.  This is an oxymoron.

    4. Anyone who asks the following question:  &quot;Atheist, please provide proof there is no God.&quot;  sigh

    5. John M.

    6. All pro-theist answers are funny

    7. No, just confirmed what I already thought.

    8. I&#039;m not a militant, I just play one on R&amp;S.

    9. Both are necessary and I try and answer both equally.

    10. I prefer eating babbies.  Yes, it can be fun.

  11. 1. Me

    2. Me









  12. 1.  Lots of people.

    2.  Lots of people.

    3.  Lots of people.

    4.  Hard to tell.

    5.  Lots of people.

    6.  Lots of people.

    7.  Nope.

    8.  I&#039;m not a militant.

    9.  Both.

    10.  Only with Dijon mustard.

  13. 8- I live in the UK where militant atheism would be pointless because the majority of people are atheists anyway.

    10- No I don&#039;t- I found they gave me indigestion.

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