
R&Ser's I have a serious question for you regarding "generalizing"?

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I hear a lot from people when I say "most" or "some" that I am generalizing, I never understand but that's not my question, just an extra tidbit. My main line of thought from anyone ranging from Christians, atheists, Buddhists to Jews. When you say that someone is generalizing, I've noticed that it is mainly negatives being generalized (such as "All atheists are baby killers" or "All Christians are rednecks" etc. etc.) and I can understand that, but what if someone gave you a good generalization, like "all atheists are logical, free thinking, intelligent people" and "Christians are kind, loving, and tolerant?" Would you still say I am generalizing if it is a good thing?




  1. i would say that person is the craziest mo*erf*cker i have ever seen lol. yes i would say they were generalizing, but that isn't all i would say trust me i hate when people do that.

    i know what you mean many people have a problem with generalizing and they say something like that just to keep their answer short and get points for it. i don't understand why people continue to think that way.

    if someone is really generalizing when it isn't true for all then im sure he/she knows it, no need to announce that, just answer the flipping question and if you feel the need to say it then say it along with your answer. but it is possible to generalize and have it be ok like "why do all atheists believe there is no superior being?" or something like that.

  2. Technically a generalization is the same whether it is positive or negative. Like, "Asians are smart and good in math". Seems like a compliment right? Wrong. It is offensive and narrow-minded.

  3. Are you asking for a general opinion from us?

    <edit>  Okey dokey.  No, I think even the good stuff is generalizing.  I know plenty of fellow atheists who are dipshits.  We generalize because it makes it easier to get our point across.  As much as I bash religion, I also know some christians who are the sweetest, kindest people.

  4. Of course it's still generalising - the only way it wouldn't be generalising is if it was indeed true of all people in a group.

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