
(R) convention - Did I Miss the Message of HOPE?

by  |  earlier

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was the housing crisis mentioned?

was the lack of healthcare mentioned?

was higher education mentioned?

were homeless veterens mentioned?

was assistance to pregnant teenagers mentioned?

It seemed more of a campaign of FEAR to me

as if by default my patriotism would make me vote for McCain




  1. I agree at least at the DMC we learned about our candidate and rallied the party. But i wouldnt put healthcare in your question becuase EVERY candidate since regan has promised it and theyre all just saying it no one will give it to us for a while.

  2. As with the DNC, those will be mentioned by the candidate themselves.

    DNC spent 1 day telling us about OBAM

    2 Days of the Clintons untiing the party.

    So what's the differnce?

  3. What message of hope? It all depends on what your idea of hope is. To me, it was nothing more than a campaign full of blind faith. The only I thought of that even constitutes any message of hope was the hope for rich people not to pay any taxes, but they're a small minority. Those are the only people that have any kind of hope whenever a Republican gets elected into office.

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