
R-rated movies for younger teens?

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My boyfriend (18yo) and I (13yo) are going to the cinema next week. We are seeing an R-rated movie. I'd like to hear some opinions. Why do people think that R-rated movie are inappropriate for under 17yo teens? What I mean is, some teens may be "kids" but if raised properly, they don't only think about pop-music, boys/girls/s*x and alcohol - generally - their own butt only. I'm a teen mom (I was raped, didn't sleep around if anyone tries to judge), I have done everything possible to have my twins (4mo) financially supported, I have almost raised my 4 younger siblings since our mom was usually absent. I have learned to take care of myself, considering that I have stayed alone at home for whole afternoons at the age of 7-8 and was also allowed to go wherever I want without even telling mom. I'm responsible and I am interested in way more things than school, boys and music - that's just a tiny part of my world. So, I don't think R-rated movies are inappropriate for me. considering that I have watched tons of these because most PG-13-rated, PG-rated and G-rated movies are boring or childish. Do you think teens like me should be able to watch R-rated movie?

Not that if you say "No" I would stop or someone would stop me but I just want opinions, to see if all of you raise your children not letting them grow up a bit until they are old enough to drive.




  1. I don't see why you shouldn't, but you are the exception and definitely not the rule. I wouldn't let my young teen watch a movie with a bunch of s*x in it, but the violence doesn't matter to me. Most people aren't stupid enough to repeat what they've seen.

    That being said, some theaters won't let you in unless you have proof of id. I was one month from being 17, and my 19 year old boyfriend bought our tickets, but they wouldn't let me in. $20 wasted!

  2. I am more worried about a 13yr old dating a 18yr old. My 11 yr old has seen R-rated movies and I am fine with it if I know what they are about because some PG-13 movies are worse than some R rated movies

  3. I grew up being able to watch what ever I wanted and I'm perfectly fine.

    I'm not a serial killer or a drug addicted w***e, people just think if they ignore the problem it will go away and most parents like to blame movies, video games, etc for their unruly children when it's their parenting that made their kids the way they are.

    I'm going to let my kids watch r-rated movies because I believe if I teach them right from wrong, they will be mature about it.

  4. I have watched R-Rated movies way before I was 17... But then again, I was such a calm, good kid. My mom didn't mind it she knew me well enough to know that they would not influence me.

    Things were different for my brothers, tho. One of them was not allowed to watch those movies until he was old enough.

    All kids are different, I do agree.

    But laws a made for "most kids", and in to protect us from the worst case scenario

  5. I have watched R-rated and the others for adults only movies since I was 10-11 and I was fine with it. My parents never controlled such a little thing as movies. There are other things people should worry about. Raising a child being dumb is not a good thing and most people in USA do exactly that. I have no idea why is their culture that way but euorpe is much more different. Firstly, in europe there is no difference between 15yo and 18-19yo (I mean the good part - the youngers are responsible, grown people).

  6. You looked after your siblings too MUM OF THE YEAR not .....liar liar your Pants on fire !

  7. Your bf is an adult and has no business dating you let alone taking you to see an R rated movies.. most R rated movies are disgusting. blood and gore, nudity and bad language.. you become desensitized and then you think all of that is normal and none of it is. that is Hollywood normal not reality normal.

  8. Unfortunately you have been forced to grow up a lot faster than most children.

    You are still a kid, why do you want to rush yourself into adult hood even more? Enjoy being 13.

    And 18 old, who goes out with a 13 year old mother, to an R rated movie, has dishonorable intentions. Are you sure you can trust him not to pressure you into s*x?

    s*x is different to rape. While you may not physically be a virgin to s*x, you are emotionally a virgin. You should still wait until you're older. Despite everything you've been through, I can guarantee that there is still plenty for you to learn. You have more growing up to do.

    Children are supposed to grow up slowly. And if you really think that children don't grow up just because they're forbidden to do certain things, it shows that you're not really as mature as you think you are.

    And no, R rated movies have an age rating for a reason, and should be adhered to. If you thought it was truly ok, you wouldn't be on here asking.

  9. Last week you tried to say your 4 month old twins could sit up and were ready to toilet train. When my twins were born at the same gestation and are not ready to sit up.

    And that it was ok to leave a child in a car locked with the windows up for 10 minutes.

    Oh and all your other crack pot ideas. No I think you should stay at home and be a good Mummy with your pretend twins. Because you did all those things, and then got *raped* remember.

    No good little Amy stays at home with her pretend children.

  10. its rated R for a reason, but id be more worried about an 18 y/o with a 13 y/o

  11. Amy quit with your lies so many people are sick to death of them please remove me from your contacts and DO not mail me to tell me how bad your life is with your pretend potty trained 4 month old twin dolls some of us have real twins to cope with you were raped YET your seeing an 18 year old and your 13 GO BACK TO SCHOOL get an education and quit making up lies cause they will bite you right on the backside !

  12. a 13 yr old shouldn't be dating an 18 yr old in the first place. it sounds like you have had to do a lot of growing up before your time since your mom was absent and you had to basically raise your sibblings. Hopefully you will be grown up enough to make smart choices in the time to come. dating an 18 yr old isn't really a smart choice.  

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