
R strange websites true?

by Guest58940  |  earlier

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i checked out and another site on a link to it- i checked them out and decided that they were fake but i couldn't help but wonder... i checked it out like, 5 min ago and saw a new vid. the cryptid in that one looked almost like someone put on a costume... but .... it like... flew. and suddenly i couldn't tell. it started 2 look real. i hear that it's an ad 4 a new show but what about that isnt an ad... or is it? can u help me????




  1. Yes very strange , I think its a person in a suit that jumps then some real footage of a stork or some other large bird thats flying.

  2. that is total bullcrap

  3. leave those sites alone ! get u all messed up!

  4. oh that one?? thats real

  5. People have been using film, and cameras (eg camera obscura), to trick people since they first could figure out how.

    CGI [Computer Generated Imagery - the word comes from the same roots as imagine...] is so good now, that, at a seminar I attended at the tate modern a few months ago, they could take a photo of a car and put it onto the computer to make a 3d model of it in under 3 minutes!

    It was a CGI in advertising bit of it, but it was mostly about films and computer games, where the bias of CGI has swung to be more about realism than obscurism and representative art.

    Look at Aslan in the Narnia films and the companions in the Golden Compass...

    A lot of money is spent on making fake things look real.

    From b***s to the tube to the eye of the guy watching them.

    I've looked at the websites you mention and they look to be very poor quality fakes to me.

    Using some very cheap and easily performed switches - it is an illusion much like someone pulling an umbrella from an hat, which is on an umbrella sized table!

    Or someone throwing dust into the air that becomes the dove that their confederate releases, obscured by the cloud of dust.

    It is easier with cameras, because you can make sure that the person watching is only seeing what you want them to see, not anything else!

    And I've seen some very, very convincing good ones that have been torn to pieces on a critical examination of the piece and it's creators.

    The creators are the important factor - it's up to you to decide whether they're frauds or not.

    From what I've seen, I'm saying they are.

    There are some strange websites that are based in truth, but exaggerate it, and also some that seem too outrageous to be true, but are.

    At the end of the day, the evidence speaks for itself...

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