They're at it again. As much as I admire the government looking out for our health, why are they only picking on the chain fast food stores? Yes, I do realize all of the health issues associated with fast food restaurants. However, aren't there other restaurants that also sell food with exhorbitant fat and caloric content? Why the cut-off at 15 stores? Should it be more or less? What about the corner hot dog vendor? Chinese take out? The cuchifrito place down the block? There is hardly an item in the front window that isn't deep fried. No, I'm not picking on any type of ethnic food here. For lack of space and time, I can go on a lot further. You know what I'm driving at. Your thoughts on this matter and there is no reason you don't have a mouthful. Now that you're hungry, "Would you like fries with that"? what is with the goverment??