
R u a vegetarian if not...why?

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people who eat meat are idiots iv been a vegiterrian for 4 years and i just read a magizine geusee what stars are vegiterrian...tobey maguire,pamala anderson,carrie uderwood,alicia silverstone,paul mcartney and much more so for all the people who think vegiterrians r weird also in the magizines to kill the chicken they shave there beeks of by rubbing them against a wall that tears it apeart when it is still ALIVE so why do people still eat me it makes no sence

do u really hate animals that much

i didnt mean to write geusee i meant guess

u r saying that they used to eat meat and i understand that cause that was basically all they really had to eat but now we know that it can give u CANCER and deseases and plus now we have so much more to eat then poor little animals




  1. I would seriously DIE if i was a vegetarian. I absolutely hate vegtables. I like meat though. When i really think about eating cows i get kinda sad........................


  2. yes

  3. no offense sweetheart, but you can't spell yet you're calling others idiots... Save yourself, don't base your opinions on celebrities. I'm sorry I like animals too, but they taste good. Also, they are good for you. Mmmm protein! Good for your hair and nails!

  4. Yes I am a vegetarian cause I wouldn't want to kill an animal just for food.

  5. yes i am

    Zelda: how does it make you "poo" better if it contains NO fibre? lol

    Liz: It isnt safe for ANYONE to have a low immune system, and vegetarians actually have higher ones. (Typically we eat more fruit)

  6. I am not vegetarian because meat tastes nice and it makes you poo better i love burgers and steaks yummmmmmmmmmmmm

  7. I think your walking down that road when you state the people who eat meat are idiots, so I take it you think people who are not the same as you in every single way is a idiot?   So if you’re white you can’t like anyone that dose look like you? If I’m Jewish I must an idiot because I don’t believe in the same is your own religion? See in the human race and living in America you have the right to choose and no one has the right to call you a idiot or say I’m wrong, It’s your life and you choose to walk on your side on the line and let other walk on their side.

    We have to remember we can’t push our beliefs on others, let them live their own life.

    I’m glad you found your way and don’t eat meat, but for us who do lets is be and it’s are right and no one is right or wrong here, it’s each person choice!  Choice you have to love it not too many country’s not give the there people so many choices.

    Live long and stay happy

  8. Yes I am. And the link below will explain why.  ^.^

  9. i agree it does make you poo better. vegetarians just need to get a life  and eat a STEAK

  10. Ya know i am not critiziing you about being vegitarian althought i am against it so don't talk down to people who eat meat... moost people  have heckic livestyles and can't have that low of a imune system so please understand everyone is entitled to their own opinion~Liz

  11. Addresing a number of people:

    First to the OP:  Arent you worse then Meat Eaters, who make fun of Vegitarians by calling all Meat Eaters idiots?  Everyone has a choice, some people were born into a life of meat, and it is a hard thing to change.  Their are plenty of healthy weighs to eat meat just so you know, not all meat is bad.  In fact, Meat provides a lot of things easier, and it helps create a balanced diet with a little more easyness.  Plus, Vegetables, arent that filling, for a working man, you need something of substance that will sustain, you, Veggies usually don't do that.  

    Zelda:  Steaks/Burgers are bad for you in excess.  They make you poo better by increasing the movement of your bowel's so you wont poo easier, just more.  Next, Burgers/Steaks are known causes of cancer, and because of the ways you cook them, fat, which leads to heart disease.

    Some guy said something, about it not being convenient for McDonalds:

    Well... Honestly that place is ok once in 2-3 weeks, but you shouldnt be eating normally their.  That is just unhealthy.  If you eat meat, you should try to eat healthy with it.  Eat more poultry and cut down on the beef, steaks etc.  

    Yes I am a Vegitarian by the way.

  12. Yes, I am a vegetarian! :)

  13. I don't eat meat



  15. I am not but my friends are. I love chicken and being a vegetarian i would always eat salads and i like other food including meet because it is more on the go and at like Macdonald there salads are as healthy as a cheese burger.

  16. I love animals too, but its just more convenient to eat a burger than a salad. If they klill animals humanely, its not that bad. Its the people that dont care about the animals.

  17. no im not who wouldnt eat meat its just crazy NO OFFENSE but who couldnt eat meat i couldnt last 1 whole week wit out meat dats how good it tastes

  18. I'm vegetarian and I agree, there's really no good reason to eat meat and contribute to animal suffering.

    I also don't think that being holier-than-thou or calling people names will help the animals. In fact, it hurts animals by turning people off and making them less likely to consider going vegetarian.

    Remember that you weren't born a vegetarian. You became aware of what's happening on factory farms and slaughterhouses, and didn't want to support it. Many meat-eaters don't hate animals; they just haven't seen the videos we have and they don't understand how much suffering the animals are forced to endure.

    Think about it, did you become vegetarian after someone called you an "idiot" for eating meat?

    Every vegetarian saves more than 100 animals a year from horrific cruelty, and you can save many more by being an effective advocate for animals!

  19. I went vegetarian in 1969, and I've been vegan for several years.

    In all that time I have never felt the need to insult and judge other people's choices the way you do here.

    Calling people idiots is not the way to persuade them of your case, especially when your spelling, grammar, punctuation and irritating text-speak might very well lead people to question YOUR intelligence.

    You are clearly very young indeed, and that's the only possible excuse for this outburst.

    Very few people over the age of 13 are going to be impressed or influenced by the choices of 'celebrities'.

    Ranting in the way you do here gives other veg*ns a bad name.

    AND, it does your cause no good at all to repeat unsubstantiated  and unproven claims about meat. We do not 'know' that meat causes cancer; cancer specialists are prepared to say that a diet HIGH in meat MAY contribute to colo-rectal cancers. Hardly the same thing as 'meat gives you cancer', for which there is no scientific evidence

  20. okay wow

    im a vegetarian and i still think this question is ignorant

    for one, learn to spell

    for two, yeah it sucks that others still eat meat and what the carnivorous culture has done to animals, but calling people who eat meat idiots and being rude is not going to change their minds.. insulting people tends to make them more stubborn

    grow up

  21. Yes I'm a vegetarian and have been since I was 14. I am not 26.

    I'm guessing you're a kid. You shouldn't be that judgmental and moralizing towards other people even if you believe not eating animals is a better way and more humane way of life. You have to remember that human beings are ALSO animals and it isn't right to treat them inhumanely either. No matter what you believe.

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