
R u part of the problem or part of the solution?

by Guest65643  |  earlier

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R u part of the problem or part of the solution?




  1. A bit of both, I recycle as much as possible and have been for 20 years, I always turn off lights and other things that aren't being used. I've done everything possible to seal up the house to reduce heat loss and have made considerable progress, the only thing I'm bad on is the car I drive a minivan that gets about 21MPG, I'd really like to get into something that does better but I don't have the money right now but as soon as I can I'll be looking for a high mileage vehicle.

  2. If you use fossil fuels to heat your home and cook your food and if you use electricity that is generated by fossil fuels and if you drive a car to work or if you ride a bus that uses fossil fuels you are part of the problem.

  3. baaaa

  4. I am part of the solution.  I am doing every thing I can to keep congress from passing too many knee-jerk bills that raise our takes and inhibit our freedoms.

  5. We should do everything to our ability to prevent Global Warming, but it is only a theory and if buying the most expense hydro cars is a burden on the poor, then it shouldn't be mandatory. Yeah, there are many things we should do to make our houses energy efficient so we should. But, people forget that we don't even know if we are the main cause behind Global Warming. We could be accountable for 5% of the temp. increase!! And we'd be burdening all the poor people for something we couldn't drastically turn around?

  6. i think i just might be the WHOLE problem...


  7. Solution!

    I drive a recond. '85 Honda Prelude. I work less the 10 miles from home.  All the lights I can,are cfl's.  I recycle everything,buy less packaged c**p from Mal-Wart. I stay informed,and I spread the info. I have been aware of AGW for 20 years now. Funny how even a few years ago,most Americans never heard of the theory. Then it went from outright denial,to a place we're at now.  We can see the effects of climate change all around us,and yet,some want to pitch their opinions as fact,and let their hatred for a washed up politician cloud their minds.  The time for debate and arguing was 20 years ago! Now the science,and the data is in,and it proves that we are responsible for the rapid increase in CO2 that is causing the rapid climate change on this planet.

  8. I try to be part of the solution by making others aware of the problem.  But, I don't always feel like I am doing very well at it.  *sm*

  9. that depends scientists now believe global warming is protecting us

  10. neither...I try to impact the would in a good but know that there are things that I do (beyond my control) that impacts it for the bad.  All I can do is try to equal them out.

  11. most likely part of the problem but i see myself as part of the solution

  12. Depends on the problem.

  13. I'm part of the solution!!! I have a busimess called Greenbuild Paint and Drywall...we specialize in eco friendly construction. Look us up sometime if you ever want to build something in Las Vegas

  14. I think everyone is part of the problem.  We all do at least one think that hurts our earth.  I would like to think I am part of the solution because I try to tread as lightly as possible on the earth.  Right now I am looking into trying to be self sufficient.  Building a cob house with a green roof and solar, ditching the car and riding a bike, not buying things that come in packages, Bringing my own bags to the grocery store instead of buying plastic and paper and then throwing it away.  Growing my own organic food........the list goes on and on

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