
R u proud? here is my story...?

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I've lost a decent amount of weight. I'm so excited and proud to say the least...I'm 5'8" and since high school and some major changes in my life, I went up from 140 to 164. So, this past Jan, I decided that I was going to loose the weight, but without all the crash diets. I figured the more I felt sorry for myself and just didn't make the small changes that in a year I'd be the same or bigger anyway. So, instead of really trying hard, I just decided to eat a little more healthier (to feel good) and get to the gym more often and consistently. All I do is walk (a good pace and vary), but my body is so much stronger now, and I'm down to 145. When I look at it, Jan was a long time ago, but since I decided not to focus on the weight loss itself and just doing stuff that made me feel better, I lost the weight, and it seemed to happen so fast! The people who are in my life do not have the same interest that I do in my health, and the ones who do, are extremest (anorexic, etc...).

So, I am here to tell you....I am so proud of myself and I thought I'd like to share this with all of you and hopefully get some of your stories so I can have even more motivation.




  1. congrats! thats awesome. I need to do the same  =/  

  2. wow good job  congrads be proud you did it a lot of people cant smile ad be proud  

  3. Great to hear!!

    I used to be anorexic, when i realized i was a twig i tried to sort it out, i became bulimic, i messed up my body so badly i was gaining and loosing like crazy. Took me 2 years to fix it. But with a metabolism so busted, i climbed up to 100 kilos with a 159 cm height. I WAS HUGE!

    there was no way i was gonna diet, i was certain i would slip again into anorexia and i am not willing to go through bulimia etc again. So i did the same, walked more, went to the gym more,  ate more healthier, and i lost 20 kilos easily without starving and they stayed off, now i'm aiming for another 15 and i'm set.

    the only bad thing is with my previous ups and downs, i now am experiencing marks on my skin. However, i'm saving up for a plastic surgeon once i'm done with the weight loss.

    And i'm proud for dealing with anorexia and weight gain all by myself and not slipping in to the 'must be a model' mentality i see others go through.

    I'm gonna leave a few pounds on cause when i was gaining weight, i had much much much more success with men when i was 'juicy'.

    Seems after all men don't like twigs. Good for us =P

  4. I am very happy for you, I recently decided to make some changes and have gone from 142 to 129! I still have 9 to go, but I sure feel alot better, :) congrats!  

  5. Hi Lari,

    I am proud of you too! That was fantastic, the way you did it without the crash/fad/yo yo diets. Dieting would have spoiled your health whereas combining sensible food habits with regular walking have resulted in weight loss. Regular exercise will also help you in maintaining your health a long way in your life. Keep up the good work, share this with all your friends and advice them to take up the same too. Physical exercise helped me in quitting smoking too!

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