
R u satisfied with news quality that our TV news channels serve us. Do u think they respect our intelligence.?

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Do they have scientific approach where necessary? Should they not censor before telecast anything that is non-constitutional? Even when spoken by leaders. Delhi issues get more highlighted as compare to other cites. Metro’s infrastructure issues r totally neglected. Neglecting authorities go totally unchallenged. Public participation in questing authorities is minimum




  1. Not at all,the presentation is very poor almost on all news channels.Many times i have seen that whenever any telecast live comes out the person having mike in hand lost his/her control over the situation.In the background visuals being repeated again and again making that news more boring.

  2. It sounds like you have already made up your mind on the subject. As for me, I stopped watching the news some time ago as I feel that lately it is more about celebrities than actual news. To be perfectly honest, I am not sure what the truth is and what is being used as a scare tactic. I do not think the news should be censored. In this day and age, how do we know what is constitutional and what is just some twisted additive to the constitution? The answer is we don’t. As for the rest of the world, most people do not care about issues such as the Metro system, nor do they care that a local authority broke the law. It’s about who is dating who and whose baby is being born. The news media is way off course and needs to get back to its roots where journalist tried to bring truth and justice to a subject.

  3. Since the onset of multiple cable news networks with 24 hour broadcasts, journalists and news broadcasters are faced with the dilemma of having to continually find something interesting and provocative to keep viewers' attention. As a result, much of the news reported caters to those more interested in being entertained than to those who really want to truth about local, national, or world events. In addition, the concept of true and unbiased reporting has been replaced by celebrity wannabees that use their status to promote their own biases and agendas.

  4. Yes compared to what Doordarshan had been throughout feeding into us and still tries.Delhi is only one city of India.The local channel gives the local news more effectively.The tv channels are very informative plus we have Discovery,Nat.Geo.,Animal Kingdom etc.All this was non existent before the advent of the cable system in India.

  5. One issue I have with all of Journalism lies within their assumptions.  Journalists must prepare stories that are understandable to the broadest possible audience.  Thus, when they write/present news stories, they do so assuming a low level of education in their audience.

    Additionally, they assume our attention span is short, thus the birth of the 30-second sound byte.

    I believe this is one of the reasons why Blogging has become so popular (that, and its is generally interactive).

    Another issue is this trend toward performance.  Its seems like the news is really more of a "show" than a news broadcast.  Even at the local level.  Look at their sets... they're totally off the hook.

    As for me, I tend to gravitate to news sources that go further to explain issues and events, treat me like an adult (not an 8th grader) and do the news seriously, i.e. NPR, Foreign Affairs magazine, Atlantic Monthly, etc.

  6. I have starred your question as tv is the most important medium of news but administered most casually, semi seriously or in false dramatisation and often very irresponsibly - using quite competent people who could be  motivated or given free hand, to report objectively..

    The management of the news chennels are in much competition for snatching public attention and seem to obviously pressurise their field / reporter staff to involve in more celebrity coverages, sensational rather than sensible news, dramatise events rather than approach objectively and analytically for a fair deal to the people caught in the news, as well as the public who are entitled to know the truth..

    Jeetendra, the position is worse in regional news channels like the Sun / Jaya Group in the south, who simply serve political interests of their bosses - exaggerating the commissions and omissions of the rival parties and even fabricating cases against neutral people not toeing their line or those people and institutions criticising their favourite party..

    The real and important news of consequence to the people do not find fair share of coverage with all relevent details unless it has any connection to achieving political advantage to their party.. More channels by political outfits are coming up just to confuse the people..

    So, many of us look to CNN, Ndtv type of channels who are better than the regional political channels but still play more to commercial advantage (film savy, sports savy, sensational news savy..) rather than serve the interests of media ethics..

    I find many reporters quite capable but obviously playing to the tune of their bosses to cover news of no consequence, just to appease the hunger for sensational news items by the "average" viewers.. I dont know if I am right in blaming the average viewer who could still appreciate the responsible news coverage if available..

    I appreciate your mooting the issue for public discussion.. but who could mend the channel administration finally..?

  7. latest news-

  8. no i am not at all satisfied by some news channels such as NEWS 24,INDIA TVand also many programs of aajtak and star news also.they show many fictious things ,along with some bullshit news such as KHALI,LAUGHTER CLIPS,VO AA RAHE HAI,KAAL KA SAAL,SAAS BAHU AUR SAJISH.

    what the h**l **** is this.

    there shud b some guidelines for all the news channels.

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