
R we going to run out of gas?

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i herd that theres not enough ships to dig up the oil inthe ocean andwe have very few oil wells left is this true then they should make and build more ships




  1. it is highly unlikely that we will ever completly run out of crude oil.  The reason for the high gas prices is not because there is not enough...its because the oil producing countries are not increasing their production of crude oil to keep up with the demand...thus higher prices.  There is still a very large amount of the crude oil left on the planet and even if there wasnt within the next 20 years technology will make cars and other gas operated machines so efficient that the demand for gas will have gone way down.

    I would like to add that the people saying we will run out have never taken an economics class.  The worst case scenario is that we don't have enough to fulfill demand thus no on can afford it.  Also like i said earlier...the problem is not the amount left...its the amount being extracted.

  2. yes we will run out of oil .because of that the petrol prices have gone up

  3. yes of course. nature takes care of every bodies needs but not for greed

  4. "[S]hips" do NOT "dig up the oil"!

  5. Well by that you mean gasoline.  

    Yes we will run out because gasoline comes from oil and there is a limited amount of oil on the earth and so it's not a question of will we run out, but rather when.

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