
RAD Summer intensive program July 6-26 2008 (for people that are going or have gone before)?

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Hi! I will be attending the Royal academy of dance summer program and I had a few questions......

1. I will be flying as an unaccompanied minor and it says on my registration form for the intensive that I will need to take a shuttle from the airport, but it says on the airline

website whoever is picking me up will need to have an i.d. ect., and their is no one specific picking me up so their will be no one to show an i.d., will I still be able to take a shuttle?

2.I will be takeing the intermediate (elementary) exam at the end of the three weeks, but I don't know what the exact date of the exam is so I can't book my flights yet and they're filling up FAST, and I need to know if I will be needing to book a hotel for extended stay. So if you could give me the date for the exam that would be great!

3.I know we will go shopping for one of our feild trips, and I needed to know about how much money I will need.

4. A packing list would be lovely!

Thank you




  1. 1. If you are flying unaccompanied minor you need an actual person to meet you and an airline representative at the gate for a hand-over. you may need to get a shuttle that can do that (limo service, etc.) Most airline shuttles just meet you outside of the airport and can't do that. Once you figure out who can meet you at the gate, you can probably just say "representative from...."  

    HOWEVER, depending on your age, you may not need to do the unacc. minor. Many airlines won't even do it for students over age 12. Check the airline first!

    2. Can't help you there, sorry.

    3. Often for summer programs they say between $50 and $100 for off-site excursions. However, you're shopping. That's it. Other than possibly needing to buy LUNCH that day, you don't HAVE to buy anything.

    4. I imagine the Academy will send you one and include specifics you'll need for the program. Things not to forget though: addresses of your friends and family (they'll want postcards), a book or magazine for down-time, a photo or two of people close to you (in case you get home sick), and clothes for all KINDS of weather, just in case.

  2. omg is that at the victorian college ??? me going there been there 4 times

  3. shoes













    flip flops


    2 sweaters

    nail file

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