
RAF regiment or not?

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just want some mixed views on the RAF regiment. also officer or gunner?




  1. RAF'S the safe option........

  2. RAF is the best regiment you can join. It has the best benefits and you can take loads of learning courses etc. Great experience. Good luck.

  3. its safe but all the RAF Regiment do is guard bases... u cud join RAF Police and do the same wit better pay and more options..  

  4. I spent 9 years as RAF Police and personally I thought the RAF Regiment were a bunch of w**kers. If you want to do soldiering then join a real regiment not a bunch of Action Man wannabees who do nothing more daring than airfield security and try in vain to prove to everyone how hard they are (compensating for something I think - like lack of real soldier credibility). Also, for a 'regiment' the uniform is so bland they look like postmen.

  5. Don't listen to half the s**+ts that's posted on here, most of it from w@nkers who wouldn't dare say it to the face of a rockape.

    The old wives tale of "the Regiment just guard airfields" shows a total lack of knowledge.

    The Regiment patrol up to 100km from base, mostly on foot. They provide their own specialised sniper teams, mostly working at night. They provide back up sections to special forces operations. Regiment serve within the SAS and SRR. They also serve as QRF in theatre and ground cover for airborne cassie vac operations.

    A gunner's basic training is 26 weeks - compared to 6 weeks for the rest of the RAF including MOD plods. The failure rate in basics is still about 70%, which is why the rest of the RAF view them with envy.

    Officer or Gunner? depends on your qualifications.
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