
RAISING my babies.... Where? HELP

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Where should Eric and I be raising our little twins? (still pregnant)

I know ive asked this question before but i was wondering for a second opinion again and this time ill give one less option (seattle) and more reasons for the other two.


Melbourne, Australia


Zurich, Switzerland

Here is a little information. Eric and I have houses in both the places. Erics from Switzerland and im from Australia. WE are an outdoor bunch so if we live in Australia we'll make sure surfing is a family activity and if in Switzerland it will be skiing.

I am fully aware that Switzerland may have a better education than Australia where i was raised but its the family im concerned about.

Last time i asked, everyone suggested Switzerland but to also concentrate on my family. I come from a family of 5 where else Eric from a family of 3. I know that i get along with the inlaws but im not sure if i could do this without my mum and all my siblings. I Love my house in Switzerland and i think i prefer the atmosphere but Australia is where my family is. MOney is not an issue nor is getting jobs. Im a psychologist and Eric a doctor so we can work anywhere and have the money to travel back and forth if necessary.

I think that's all you need to know.

SO now here's the question, Where should we raise our children and set up a safe and secure environment?


- Amber




  1. you should raise your children where you would feel safe and secure.  It sounds like they'd have a great life in either place.  If they'd have a better education in Switzerland then spend the school year there and travel to Austrailia when school is out.  If you've got the means to travel back and forth and offer your children such diversity why question it?  Most people do not have the means to offer this to their children so I'd say your children are uniquely lucky to have the opportunities you can offer by having lives in both places.

  2. Both countries have pros and cons. it all comes down to how you feel when you are in each of the houses.

    which property makes you feel the most "at home", secure and at peace? The house that you walk into and immediately relax and feel at home. That is the house you should raise your children in.

    If you aren't in touch with your feelings, or feel the same way in each house, i'd choose Australia.

    Australians have a great sense of family and family values. Perhaps you could use your Switzerland house as a holiday house?  

  3. Honestly i would say australia. Mabey i am biased as i am raising mine here but it is truly a family based lifestyle. I couldn't imagine raising my kids anywhere else

  4. Amber,

    Australia would be my suggestion.

    I can see advantages to both locations with the diversity of activities, education, extended family, cultural background and exposure to different life styles.

    So, what do I base my opinion on ?

    I have known and worked with folks from Switerzland, Germany, France, Denmark and Austria as well as quite a few lads from Australia.  If the lads from from Australia are indictive of the country as a whole, ( friendly, out going, tireless, humorous and passionate about their family ) then the choice is easy.

    The Europeans I have worked with and the few I have as friends, both male and female, are family oriented in a more subdued, almost stand offish, way.  Much more reserved, not cold, not indifferent, just reserved.  I have not seen that same unbridled passion for the family from the Europeans that I have seen from the Aussies.

    Granted, I am not a world traveler, so my exposure is somewhat limited.  Still, it is what I have to base an opinion on.

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