
RAM Memory in a Dell Inspiron 6400?

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I have a Dell Inspiron 6400 Laptop running Windows XP, with originally 1Giga RAM. The maximum amount of memory for this model is 2 Gigas. I just put 3 Gigas in it, 1 Dimm of 1 Giga (the original) and a new Dimm of 2 Gigas). It works fine but I would like to know if the computer uses the 3 Gigas or I'm waiting 1 Giga. If the computer is not using the memory can I do something make it to use it? Like upgrade the Bios or something?

Thank you very much!




  1. If you have 3 GiB in it then it obviously doesn't have a maximum of 2 GiB (more likely a maximum of 4 GiB and the 2 GiB maximum is the maximum size of the RAM modules it can handle).

    The memory addressing is a chipset issue, if it doesn't give memory errors it should be using all 3 GiB (the memory hole in laptops doesn't usually appear until above 3 GiB).

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