
RBK White 9k Skates?

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Currently I have the Bauer Vapor XV. I need a new pair of skates and I am considering the White 9ks because they seem very comfortable, and the bauers really are annoying especially b/c i get that bump in the back of my heel. Now for the questions:

1) I had a friend with regular 9ks, and he loved them but i was wondering if the white and regular editions are the exact same except for the color or if there was another difference.

2) Also, im assuming the White 9ks will be much more comfortable than the 25's, but im wondering how the two stack up performance wise?

any help is greatly appreciated.




  1. hey the bauers are good, but those 9k's are amazing.

  2. The bump you have is a bone spur. It's caused due to the fact the skate does not fit you correctly. Your heal is slipping in the skate. I suggest you look into getting some Graf skates. Graf is the only company to make different skates for different

    shapes of feet. Narrow heal, wide fore foot, step arch, no arch etc. I've been in Grafs for about 10 years and my Son has been in them for about 8 years now. Check um out.

    If you decide to get the WHITE 9ks (they suck) you better keep your head up, your asking to get ran.
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