
RCMP for women?

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I want to enroll in the rcmp. I am a 24 year old female in good physical shape as well as mental. I am just wondering if there are a lot of women in there and if there is a lot of discrimination towards women in that field.




  1. I don't know if it's still going on, but the RCMP does have a history of sexism. Your best bet is to talk to someone who has been there.

  2. You're more likely to get real information about this if you approach a female RCMP and ask her what her experiences have been.

  3. Discrimination in these fields are not tolerated.  If you can pass the physical and mental testing you are as good a candidate as anyone.

  4. I've put a link to the RCMP that might help you.

    I say though if you want to do this, then go for it!  If you stay in a 'comfort zone' because of fear of discrimination, you'll not get anyplace in life.

    I can say that because I was a woman in the US Marines which is known to be a very traditional and at times sexist branch of the Armed Forces. Oh, if I had $100 for every male Marine who told me and my peers "Women don't belong in MY Marine Corps."   Well, I wasn't letting that person or anyone intimidate me...I figure we women have the right to what men do as long as we are qualified for it, then they have nothing to say about it.
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